Internet Drama in the Truth Movement: Part 2

“”This email was forwarded to me by one of my supporters named Charles Steiner. He had exchanged several emails with Prothink concerning his betrayal and seizure of my site. In his reply to Charles, Delaney proudly confesses: “Well you are right, I am a fanatic… sure I’ve flexed my power [in this dispute with ZCF].” He then goes on to suggest that if I had said “Yahweh = JWO” (his stated reason for locking me out of my website) to him in person he would have “kicked [ZCF’s] teeth in.”

prothink email

I have received word from first-hand witnesses that shortly after Prothink seized my former website he was in his Teamspeak chat-room threatening to “beat the shit out of ZCF.” Murderer William Finck was apparently in there as well cheering on Prothink as he proclaimed his lust for my blood. It is critical to point this out considering that Delaney is now using my former website to libel and slander me. He is now alleging that some “supporters” of mine have sent him death threats. Since he is damn well near a paranoid schizophrenic, he of course attributes all of this to me. I in no way advocate or condone threats against the traitor Mike Delaney. Yes, he is a despicable and atrocious betrayer with no morals, but I still don’t wish any harm to him or his family, even though he clearly is trying to harm me in more ways than one, and has threatened violence against me as you can see in the email.

But as usual, the vindictive backstabber Prothink has no proof or evidence to offer for his laughable accusations. Now it seems that this desperate and defeated con-artist is disgracefully using his family to garner sympathy for his side, posting a picture of himself, his wife and children on the front page as an emotional ploy, as if to say, “Look at me and my innocent little family — please don’t hate me for being an eternal backstabber, thief and lying slanderer.” He most likely invented the “death threats” claim to make it appear as if my supporters are the aggressive ones, when in actuality, it is his criminal camp of Christian Identity psychopaths who maliciously threaten anyone who dares to criticize their bloodthirsty beliefs. Prominent radio hosts Deanna Spingola and Charles Giuliani can attest to this reality, having received daily hate-mail from Christian Identity fanatics for years. But if Prothink is miraculously telling the truth about these alleged threats, I of course condemn such threats.

There is literally nothing that Delaney won’t say to smear me. He is behaving exactly like a cornered criminal, riddled with guilt and frantically searching for an escape route. Following the dictates of his vengeful Jewish God, Yahweh, Prothink intends to use any means necessary to drag my reputation through the dirt, all the while using the success of my former website to elicit donations for whatever lackluster and inconsequential “efforts” he intends to engage in going forward. This delusional moron actually has the nerve to accuse me of “slander”. The definition of slander is: “Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.” Everything I have said about him is the truth and he knows it. As I tell the truth, Prothink engages in bottom-feeding slander, falsely libeling me as a “non-white” and putting out other invented nonsense. He has colluded with his deranged CI accomplices to reveal private information about me like some low-life snitch working for Jewish organizations or Federal authorities. The depravity of this ex-felon knows no bounds or limits.

I do not intend to participate in some silly back and forth battle with this discredited loser — that is exactly what he wants. But his latest false implication that I may have had something to do with these alleged threats that he claims to have received, needed to be addressed. Anyone observing all of this from afar can see for themselves what a hypocrite and phony con-man Prothink is. He is not worth anybody’s time, and I would encourage my supporters to just ignore his desperate attacks.

There is one last thing that I ask of my supporters. Demand that Prothink remove all of my content from the Zion Crime Factory site, including all postings, articles, pages, videos, audio and everything in between. He may own the domain but he does not have the right to host my intellectual property on a site that I no longer want anything to do with. That is illegal and criminal. If he truly wants nothing to do with me, then why continue to hold my content there? You can send him an email here:

Thank you and farewell.”” – ZCF


Internet Drama in the Truth Movement: Oy vey iz mir!

ZCF Banner

Most people in the real truth movement know that my former website is hosted by Mike Delaney, also known as ‘Prothink’. In September 2011, Mike offered to host a website for me where I could post my written work, which had been consistently censored from free Blogspot and WordPress sites for over a year. Since I began working with Mike, he gave me full control of the Zion Crime Factory website, and only ever went into my control panel to fix some technical issues that we’ve experienced from time to time. He told me it was my site and that I could do whatever I wanted with it.

I conversed regularly with Prothink on Skype and Teamspeak and we had a sizable following of like-minded people who would also participate in discussions with us through these outlets. On Skype, somebody created a chat room called “Jew Watchers Anonymous”. There were about 25-30 participants in this group. Prothink did not create this chat room nor did he set the rules for it – no clear rules were actually set in place for this room, and it was pretty much a “discuss what you want when you want” type of thing. In fact, I was the one who brought Prothink into that chat room. On February 3, 2013, I saw some discussions going on in the room and I simply remarked that “Yahweh = JWO (Jew World Order)”. Some of the people in the chat who are of the Christian Identity (CI) persuasion reacted negatively to this statement because they hold the Jewish God Yahweh and the Jewish Old Testament of the Bible dear to their hearts. The fact that they have an affinity for a Jewish deity and a Jewish ‘holy text’ is not my problem, and I refuse to be held back from criticizing Judaism because some fringe Christian extremist sect have incorporated Judaism’s fundamental doctrines into their belief system.

After a bit of a back and forth debate about the Jewishness of the Old Testament with another zealous CI person in the chat, Prothink returned later and wrote (clearly directing his comment at me): “Only a kike would have such a hard-on to bash CI (Christian Identity).” This is the height of his intellectual capacity, resorting to a typical ad-hominem personal attack, essentially calling me a Jew for allegedly “bashing CI.” By reacting in this emotional and childish way, calling me a Jew because I am a critic of CI, Prothink clearly threw the first punch in this dispute. I did not respond directly to Prothink’s slanderous attack, and let it be. The next day Prothink returned to the chat and promptly embarked on an angry tirade, telling us non-religious critics of Christian Identity in the room to “shut your damn ignorant mouths,” essentially forbidding any further criticism or discussion of Christian Identity and its bloodthirsty tenets. He accused me of trying to divide some vague ‘alliance’ between pro-CI and anti-CI Whites.

On that same day (February 4, 2013), in a hissy fit of uncontrollable religious rage, Prothink locked me out of my site by changing my log-in password because he took offense to what I had said the previous day about Yahweh representing the ideological foundation of the Jew World Order. Since Mike is a fervent devotee of Christian Identity, he decided to “punish” me for what he considered to be an affront to his religion by preventing me from accessing my website. Shortly after barring me from my site, he maliciously redirected my domain to Christogenea for several days, a website run by CI cult leader and convicted murderer psychopath William Finck. Prothink associates closely with this animal, and I suspect Finck played a substantial role in the seizure and redirecting of my domain to his pathetic site of ridiculous gibberish. Like a typical scheming snake, Finck apparently was gloating about the substantially increased traffic to his trashy website of fanciful delusions of grandeur. This treasonous act of betrayal by Prothink was obviously an attempt to rattle my cage and “get at me,” so to speak.

Mike knew I was anti-religion, and even anti-CI, from the get-go of our collaboration, but didn’t seem to care as long as we were on the same page concerning the Jewish question. Lately though, he had become more sensitive about the topic, ferociously attacking anyone who criticized this bizarre dogma of Jew-imitating madness. Prothink’s religious beliefs are obviously more important to him than getting the truth out there about the Jewish question. In my experience, all religious fanatics react in a childish and emotional way when confronted with criticism of their dogma. They may appear to be your friend one day and then stab you in the back the next, as this episode illustrates so well. These types of people simply cannot be trusted or relied upon for anything.

As of today (February 12, 2013), Prothink still has control over my website and I am still locked out. It appears that he is going to use the site as a cash-cow for donations (shortly after he locked me out of the site he changed the sidebar by placing his paypal donate button at the very top and links to his other websites underneath it). Essentially all of my work is being held hostage by deranged religious radicals who believe that White people are the “real Hebrews.” These Jewish supremacist imitators are a dangerous liability. Many of them engage in gang-stalking type behavior and will harass you endlessly if you do not accept their beliefs or if you dare to challenge their views. Most of them are ex-felons. It is very likely that many of them, especially the leaders, are Federal informants and agent provocateurs working for ZOG. In just about every way imaginable, Christian Identityists are the flip-side of Jewish supremacism – imitating the exact behavior, demeanor, attitude and over-the-top extreme worldview of the Jewish supremacist psychopaths.

Like the Jewish-owned mass media, Christian Identityists viciously slander and lie about anyone who criticizes their ideology, and even besmirch their own cult members with whom they have disputes. They fight with each other like angry little children on the playground. In the tradition of their vengeful and vindictive God, Yahweh, Prothink and his cabal of nefarious CI friends have been trying to smear me by claiming that I am “a non-white” or “not 100 percent white.” These lying imbeciles don’t even know much about my background, as I was careful not to reveal too much about myself to them, suspecting something like this might happen eventually. Everyone familiar with the machinations of the Christian Identity movement understand that these schizoid trolls use this defamation tactic against anyone and everyone who rejects or criticizes CI, and even libel their own members in this way if these members are not as extreme in their hatred and malice toward all non-whites as they are. In the under-developed brains of these lunatics, if you reject CI you “must be non-white.”

Despite the comical slander of these spiteful maniacs, I am indeed White — of fully European descent. It wouldn’t be some horrible aberration if I wasn’t White as these crazies seem to be implying, but I am definitely White. As someone of European descent I am strongly pro-European, and wish for all European and European-majority countries to be preserved as such, just as I support the right of all non-white countries who wish to preserve and protect their unique cultural, ethnic and racial heritage. Every race, ethnicity and nationality has the right of self-determination, but it seems that only Whites are shunned for demanding this same right. With that said, I am not, however, a White supremacist fanatic who believes that non-whites are worthless trash that deserve to be subjugated or wiped out, which is a position held by Christian Identity – a preposterous view that is endorsed by Prothink and his crooked camp of CI psychos. Nor do I believe that non-whites deserve to be constantly mocked, ridiculed and put-down as inferiors and savages compared to Whites. You can love your own people without having hatred toward other peoples, which is something that Hitler understood and put into practice during his righteous rule in National Socialist Germany.

I cannot maintain any credibility as a critic of Judaism and Zionism if I associate with people who adhere to a belief system that attempts to mimic Jewish supremacy by applying a superior “chosen” status to White people. I did not get involved in this fight against Jewish domination to become exactly like the very people who I have vowed to resist and expose for their corruption and their supremacy. To do so would be hypocritical, wrong and stupid. How can I credibly condemn Jewish supremacy but be a supremacist myself? Christian Identityists don’t see a problem with this contradiction because they never have and never will have any credibility. They want to place us in the furthest of fringes and completely discredit us with over-the-top extremist rhetoric. CI extremists attach themselves to well-meaning anti-JWO fighters in order to discredit us as lunatics and maniacs who want to exterminate everybody on earth who isn’t White. They also fiercely propagate the cartoonish line that “every single Jew on earth is genetically evil and must be eliminated,” an outrageous outlook that cannot be demonstrated to be true, and certainly doesn’t stand up to any serious analysis of evil on this planet. Their psychopathic dreams of genocide are a hindrance to all rational discussion of Jewish subversion, deceit and criminality. I hereby denounce these deranged zealots and their ridiculous views, and disavow any relation with them, as well as those who support them or make excuses for them.

I began my quest for historical truth about five years ago, and have dedicated much of my free time to researching and writing about what I have discovered. I have also wasted a lot of time fighting and bickering with people about different ideas. Everybody tries to impose their views on others — that is a natural tendency of human beings, and I am not immune from this. At times I have been unfair to others, and when involved in heated debates have engaged in name-calling as we all have. I may rub some people the wrong way with my sometimes condescending tone but most people know me for my sarcasm, wit and humor. I joke around a lot and make fun of things because I genuinely enjoy a good laugh (if I didn’t do this I’d have surely gone crazy by now). Sometimes I’ve been harsh, sometimes I’ve been brash. I’ve definitely gained a lot of enemies for this but also a lot of supporters who appreciate that I’ve always stated my honest opinion about things, no matter how unpopular that opinion is or who it might displease (can’t please everybody, right?). In hindsight, over the past few years I’ve said some things that I probably should not have said and degraded some decent people that I probably should have just left alone. I do sincerely apologize to anyone in the real truth movement that I might have unreasonably castigated.

I will, however, never apologize to Prothink or his CI associates for allegedly “bashing their beliefs.” As a free thinker, I reserve the right to criticize whatever I want to criticize and do not bow to the arrogant demands of corrupt tyrant wannabe’s who wish to take that right away from me. Moreover, I have nothing but contempt for the backstabbing traitors (you know who you are) who have jumped on board with this malicious CI-led slander campaign against me, cheering the destruction of my website and thus years of hard work and dedication to the cause of truth going down the drain. These are the people who, at one point, either called themselves my friend or praised and promoted my work and efforts when it suited them, then drove a knife deep into my back, and twisted it for good measure, when my site was subverted earlier this month. These people have solidified their guilt as the most disgusting betrayers and opportunists. They will never be forgiven for their vile treachery.

As for me, I do not wish to continue participating in this so-called “truth movement.” I have come to believe that much of the time and energy that I’ve sacrificed to firstly discern the truth, and then expose it in a comprehensive way with the intention of bettering the world, has been in vain. The mental fatigue that develops from being consistently engaged in this type of activism, and the extreme negativity that inevitably overtakes a person constantly studying and thinking about this kind of dark and depressing subject matter, has made me realize that perhaps I could be doing something more positive with my time which doesn’t cause stress and negative emotions. I recently completed my first actual book about the 9/11 attacks, but due to the sordid events described herein, I do not intend to release it to the public. You can thank the individuals named in this article for their successful derailment of that project and my enthusiasm for it.

I want to thank all of the people who have defended me against these sick and demented scumbags who have attempted to smear me and harm my life on a personal level. They have done what our common eternal enemy was unable to do thus far. Specifically, I’d like to extend thanks to Deanna Spingola, Mark in New Zealand, E_Smith, Veritas, JP, Khyber, Gauleiter, Zan Overall, LordLindsey, Leon in California, Charles Giuliani, Fredrick Töben, Incog Man, Arthur Topham, Hans Krampe, Keith Johnson, Jonathan Azaziah, Charles Steiner, Z.O.G., Pas in Holland, and all others who have supported me in this struggle for truth and freedom. Farewell. – ZCF


Mike Delaney of Prothink Betrays ZionCrimeFactory, Seizes

Posted on February 13, 2013 by zioncrimefactory2

NS Archives

Various archives; the German sections contain lots of awe-inspiring pre-war research on world politics and power structures exposing freemasonry, the jesuits, and jewish supremacism.

Green Sun

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