Internet Drama in the Truth Movement: Part 2

“”This email was forwarded to me by one of my supporters named Charles Steiner. He had exchanged several emails with Prothink concerning his betrayal and seizure of my site. In his reply to Charles, Delaney proudly confesses: “Well you are right, I am a fanatic… sure I’ve flexed my power [in this dispute with ZCF].” He then goes on to suggest that if I had said “Yahweh = JWO” (his stated reason for locking me out of my website) to him in person he would have “kicked [ZCF’s] teeth in.”

prothink email

I have received word from first-hand witnesses that shortly after Prothink seized my former website he was in his Teamspeak chat-room threatening to “beat the shit out of ZCF.” Murderer William Finck was apparently in there as well cheering on Prothink as he proclaimed his lust for my blood. It is critical to point this out considering that Delaney is now using my former website to libel and slander me. He is now alleging that some “supporters” of mine have sent him death threats. Since he is damn well near a paranoid schizophrenic, he of course attributes all of this to me. I in no way advocate or condone threats against the traitor Mike Delaney. Yes, he is a despicable and atrocious betrayer with no morals, but I still don’t wish any harm to him or his family, even though he clearly is trying to harm me in more ways than one, and has threatened violence against me as you can see in the email.

But as usual, the vindictive backstabber Prothink has no proof or evidence to offer for his laughable accusations. Now it seems that this desperate and defeated con-artist is disgracefully using his family to garner sympathy for his side, posting a picture of himself, his wife and children on the front page as an emotional ploy, as if to say, “Look at me and my innocent little family — please don’t hate me for being an eternal backstabber, thief and lying slanderer.” He most likely invented the “death threats” claim to make it appear as if my supporters are the aggressive ones, when in actuality, it is his criminal camp of Christian Identity psychopaths who maliciously threaten anyone who dares to criticize their bloodthirsty beliefs. Prominent radio hosts Deanna Spingola and Charles Giuliani can attest to this reality, having received daily hate-mail from Christian Identity fanatics for years. But if Prothink is miraculously telling the truth about these alleged threats, I of course condemn such threats.

There is literally nothing that Delaney won’t say to smear me. He is behaving exactly like a cornered criminal, riddled with guilt and frantically searching for an escape route. Following the dictates of his vengeful Jewish God, Yahweh, Prothink intends to use any means necessary to drag my reputation through the dirt, all the while using the success of my former website to elicit donations for whatever lackluster and inconsequential “efforts” he intends to engage in going forward. This delusional moron actually has the nerve to accuse me of “slander”. The definition of slander is: “Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.” Everything I have said about him is the truth and he knows it. As I tell the truth, Prothink engages in bottom-feeding slander, falsely libeling me as a “non-white” and putting out other invented nonsense. He has colluded with his deranged CI accomplices to reveal private information about me like some low-life snitch working for Jewish organizations or Federal authorities. The depravity of this ex-felon knows no bounds or limits.

I do not intend to participate in some silly back and forth battle with this discredited loser — that is exactly what he wants. But his latest false implication that I may have had something to do with these alleged threats that he claims to have received, needed to be addressed. Anyone observing all of this from afar can see for themselves what a hypocrite and phony con-man Prothink is. He is not worth anybody’s time, and I would encourage my supporters to just ignore his desperate attacks.

There is one last thing that I ask of my supporters. Demand that Prothink remove all of my content from the Zion Crime Factory site, including all postings, articles, pages, videos, audio and everything in between. He may own the domain but he does not have the right to host my intellectual property on a site that I no longer want anything to do with. That is illegal and criminal. If he truly wants nothing to do with me, then why continue to hold my content there? You can send him an email here:

Thank you and farewell.”” – ZCF


Internet Drama in the Truth Movement: Oy vey iz mir!

ZCF Banner

Most people in the real truth movement know that my former website is hosted by Mike Delaney, also known as ‘Prothink’. In September 2011, Mike offered to host a website for me where I could post my written work, which had been consistently censored from free Blogspot and WordPress sites for over a year. Since I began working with Mike, he gave me full control of the Zion Crime Factory website, and only ever went into my control panel to fix some technical issues that we’ve experienced from time to time. He told me it was my site and that I could do whatever I wanted with it.

I conversed regularly with Prothink on Skype and Teamspeak and we had a sizable following of like-minded people who would also participate in discussions with us through these outlets. On Skype, somebody created a chat room called “Jew Watchers Anonymous”. There were about 25-30 participants in this group. Prothink did not create this chat room nor did he set the rules for it – no clear rules were actually set in place for this room, and it was pretty much a “discuss what you want when you want” type of thing. In fact, I was the one who brought Prothink into that chat room. On February 3, 2013, I saw some discussions going on in the room and I simply remarked that “Yahweh = JWO (Jew World Order)”. Some of the people in the chat who are of the Christian Identity (CI) persuasion reacted negatively to this statement because they hold the Jewish God Yahweh and the Jewish Old Testament of the Bible dear to their hearts. The fact that they have an affinity for a Jewish deity and a Jewish ‘holy text’ is not my problem, and I refuse to be held back from criticizing Judaism because some fringe Christian extremist sect have incorporated Judaism’s fundamental doctrines into their belief system.

After a bit of a back and forth debate about the Jewishness of the Old Testament with another zealous CI person in the chat, Prothink returned later and wrote (clearly directing his comment at me): “Only a kike would have such a hard-on to bash CI (Christian Identity).” This is the height of his intellectual capacity, resorting to a typical ad-hominem personal attack, essentially calling me a Jew for allegedly “bashing CI.” By reacting in this emotional and childish way, calling me a Jew because I am a critic of CI, Prothink clearly threw the first punch in this dispute. I did not respond directly to Prothink’s slanderous attack, and let it be. The next day Prothink returned to the chat and promptly embarked on an angry tirade, telling us non-religious critics of Christian Identity in the room to “shut your damn ignorant mouths,” essentially forbidding any further criticism or discussion of Christian Identity and its bloodthirsty tenets. He accused me of trying to divide some vague ‘alliance’ between pro-CI and anti-CI Whites.

On that same day (February 4, 2013), in a hissy fit of uncontrollable religious rage, Prothink locked me out of my site by changing my log-in password because he took offense to what I had said the previous day about Yahweh representing the ideological foundation of the Jew World Order. Since Mike is a fervent devotee of Christian Identity, he decided to “punish” me for what he considered to be an affront to his religion by preventing me from accessing my website. Shortly after barring me from my site, he maliciously redirected my domain to Christogenea for several days, a website run by CI cult leader and convicted murderer psychopath William Finck. Prothink associates closely with this animal, and I suspect Finck played a substantial role in the seizure and redirecting of my domain to his pathetic site of ridiculous gibberish. Like a typical scheming snake, Finck apparently was gloating about the substantially increased traffic to his trashy website of fanciful delusions of grandeur. This treasonous act of betrayal by Prothink was obviously an attempt to rattle my cage and “get at me,” so to speak.

Mike knew I was anti-religion, and even anti-CI, from the get-go of our collaboration, but didn’t seem to care as long as we were on the same page concerning the Jewish question. Lately though, he had become more sensitive about the topic, ferociously attacking anyone who criticized this bizarre dogma of Jew-imitating madness. Prothink’s religious beliefs are obviously more important to him than getting the truth out there about the Jewish question. In my experience, all religious fanatics react in a childish and emotional way when confronted with criticism of their dogma. They may appear to be your friend one day and then stab you in the back the next, as this episode illustrates so well. These types of people simply cannot be trusted or relied upon for anything.

As of today (February 12, 2013), Prothink still has control over my website and I am still locked out. It appears that he is going to use the site as a cash-cow for donations (shortly after he locked me out of the site he changed the sidebar by placing his paypal donate button at the very top and links to his other websites underneath it). Essentially all of my work is being held hostage by deranged religious radicals who believe that White people are the “real Hebrews.” These Jewish supremacist imitators are a dangerous liability. Many of them engage in gang-stalking type behavior and will harass you endlessly if you do not accept their beliefs or if you dare to challenge their views. Most of them are ex-felons. It is very likely that many of them, especially the leaders, are Federal informants and agent provocateurs working for ZOG. In just about every way imaginable, Christian Identityists are the flip-side of Jewish supremacism – imitating the exact behavior, demeanor, attitude and over-the-top extreme worldview of the Jewish supremacist psychopaths.

Like the Jewish-owned mass media, Christian Identityists viciously slander and lie about anyone who criticizes their ideology, and even besmirch their own cult members with whom they have disputes. They fight with each other like angry little children on the playground. In the tradition of their vengeful and vindictive God, Yahweh, Prothink and his cabal of nefarious CI friends have been trying to smear me by claiming that I am “a non-white” or “not 100 percent white.” These lying imbeciles don’t even know much about my background, as I was careful not to reveal too much about myself to them, suspecting something like this might happen eventually. Everyone familiar with the machinations of the Christian Identity movement understand that these schizoid trolls use this defamation tactic against anyone and everyone who rejects or criticizes CI, and even libel their own members in this way if these members are not as extreme in their hatred and malice toward all non-whites as they are. In the under-developed brains of these lunatics, if you reject CI you “must be non-white.”

Despite the comical slander of these spiteful maniacs, I am indeed White — of fully European descent. It wouldn’t be some horrible aberration if I wasn’t White as these crazies seem to be implying, but I am definitely White. As someone of European descent I am strongly pro-European, and wish for all European and European-majority countries to be preserved as such, just as I support the right of all non-white countries who wish to preserve and protect their unique cultural, ethnic and racial heritage. Every race, ethnicity and nationality has the right of self-determination, but it seems that only Whites are shunned for demanding this same right. With that said, I am not, however, a White supremacist fanatic who believes that non-whites are worthless trash that deserve to be subjugated or wiped out, which is a position held by Christian Identity – a preposterous view that is endorsed by Prothink and his crooked camp of CI psychos. Nor do I believe that non-whites deserve to be constantly mocked, ridiculed and put-down as inferiors and savages compared to Whites. You can love your own people without having hatred toward other peoples, which is something that Hitler understood and put into practice during his righteous rule in National Socialist Germany.

I cannot maintain any credibility as a critic of Judaism and Zionism if I associate with people who adhere to a belief system that attempts to mimic Jewish supremacy by applying a superior “chosen” status to White people. I did not get involved in this fight against Jewish domination to become exactly like the very people who I have vowed to resist and expose for their corruption and their supremacy. To do so would be hypocritical, wrong and stupid. How can I credibly condemn Jewish supremacy but be a supremacist myself? Christian Identityists don’t see a problem with this contradiction because they never have and never will have any credibility. They want to place us in the furthest of fringes and completely discredit us with over-the-top extremist rhetoric. CI extremists attach themselves to well-meaning anti-JWO fighters in order to discredit us as lunatics and maniacs who want to exterminate everybody on earth who isn’t White. They also fiercely propagate the cartoonish line that “every single Jew on earth is genetically evil and must be eliminated,” an outrageous outlook that cannot be demonstrated to be true, and certainly doesn’t stand up to any serious analysis of evil on this planet. Their psychopathic dreams of genocide are a hindrance to all rational discussion of Jewish subversion, deceit and criminality. I hereby denounce these deranged zealots and their ridiculous views, and disavow any relation with them, as well as those who support them or make excuses for them.

I began my quest for historical truth about five years ago, and have dedicated much of my free time to researching and writing about what I have discovered. I have also wasted a lot of time fighting and bickering with people about different ideas. Everybody tries to impose their views on others — that is a natural tendency of human beings, and I am not immune from this. At times I have been unfair to others, and when involved in heated debates have engaged in name-calling as we all have. I may rub some people the wrong way with my sometimes condescending tone but most people know me for my sarcasm, wit and humor. I joke around a lot and make fun of things because I genuinely enjoy a good laugh (if I didn’t do this I’d have surely gone crazy by now). Sometimes I’ve been harsh, sometimes I’ve been brash. I’ve definitely gained a lot of enemies for this but also a lot of supporters who appreciate that I’ve always stated my honest opinion about things, no matter how unpopular that opinion is or who it might displease (can’t please everybody, right?). In hindsight, over the past few years I’ve said some things that I probably should not have said and degraded some decent people that I probably should have just left alone. I do sincerely apologize to anyone in the real truth movement that I might have unreasonably castigated.

I will, however, never apologize to Prothink or his CI associates for allegedly “bashing their beliefs.” As a free thinker, I reserve the right to criticize whatever I want to criticize and do not bow to the arrogant demands of corrupt tyrant wannabe’s who wish to take that right away from me. Moreover, I have nothing but contempt for the backstabbing traitors (you know who you are) who have jumped on board with this malicious CI-led slander campaign against me, cheering the destruction of my website and thus years of hard work and dedication to the cause of truth going down the drain. These are the people who, at one point, either called themselves my friend or praised and promoted my work and efforts when it suited them, then drove a knife deep into my back, and twisted it for good measure, when my site was subverted earlier this month. These people have solidified their guilt as the most disgusting betrayers and opportunists. They will never be forgiven for their vile treachery.

As for me, I do not wish to continue participating in this so-called “truth movement.” I have come to believe that much of the time and energy that I’ve sacrificed to firstly discern the truth, and then expose it in a comprehensive way with the intention of bettering the world, has been in vain. The mental fatigue that develops from being consistently engaged in this type of activism, and the extreme negativity that inevitably overtakes a person constantly studying and thinking about this kind of dark and depressing subject matter, has made me realize that perhaps I could be doing something more positive with my time which doesn’t cause stress and negative emotions. I recently completed my first actual book about the 9/11 attacks, but due to the sordid events described herein, I do not intend to release it to the public. You can thank the individuals named in this article for their successful derailment of that project and my enthusiasm for it.

I want to thank all of the people who have defended me against these sick and demented scumbags who have attempted to smear me and harm my life on a personal level. They have done what our common eternal enemy was unable to do thus far. Specifically, I’d like to extend thanks to Deanna Spingola, Mark in New Zealand, E_Smith, Veritas, JP, Khyber, Gauleiter, Zan Overall, LordLindsey, Leon in California, Charles Giuliani, Fredrick Töben, Incog Man, Arthur Topham, Hans Krampe, Keith Johnson, Jonathan Azaziah, Charles Steiner, Z.O.G., Pas in Holland, and all others who have supported me in this struggle for truth and freedom. Farewell. – ZCF


Mike Delaney of Prothink Betrays ZionCrimeFactory, Seizes

Posted on February 13, 2013 by zioncrimefactory2

Russia Has Awoken

The New Russian Revolution Has Deposed Yahweh

Russia with Germany

Shortly after Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, the murdered family of Czar Nicholas was beatified. Until quite recently, the centers of Jewish power had hoped to preserve some idealized memories of the murderous Soviet system in the minds of the Russians, but it turned out to be a vain hope.

Because Bolshevism was formulated and executed by Jews, their power centers had retained fond hopes of being able some day to reconnect and reinstall some sort of Jewish lobby leverage in the Kremlin. These fond hopes were dashed by Vladimir Putin.

By the end of 2008, the Russians were expected to have decided on what archetype they preferred: Stalin’s “Patriotic War” or Czarism. Until quite recently, Stalin had remained slightly ahead of Czar Nicholas II . “Then, however, the Czar mysteriously pulled ahead.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1) After that, the choice no longer had to be made.

The Jewish Lobby was of course hoping that a Czarist cult would never rise again, since the Czar had been the great adversary of the Bolshevik Jews. Now however, the Russians again see in Czar Nicholas II a kind of savior who, like Jesus, had dared to oppose the Pharisees.

Following on the heels of the organized collapse of the Soviet Union, the global Jewish Lobby was able to install Boris Yeltsin (alias Jelzman) in the Kremlin. Once they had seized control of Russia’s natural resources, they believed they could rule forever, or at least as long as they were operating under the protection of the US military forces. Not only did they control the military bloodhound USA, which they could let loose against any country that became troublesome; they also controlled Russia, whose energy wealth they could use to exploit and enslave the entire planet. Yeltsin-Jelzman allowed the Russian military forces to disintegrate rapidly.

In the early 1990s the Arab press investigated the Jelzman case and exposed Yeltsin as a puppet of the Lobby, providing additional background details. On 28 November 1992 the newspaper “Al Arab”, published in London, made the following announcement on the front page: “The name change was decided upon at the 20th Party Congress … Yeltsin is a Jew. Risselov, a member of the Volksunion, revealed that the family name of President Yeltsin was Jelzman, a German Jewish name. The 20th Party Congress then decided to change the family name of Boris Jelzman to Yeltsin … The reason given for this change was that the Russian people would be afraid of the name Jelzman since his grandfather Jelzman had murdered thousands of Russians under Beria.”

Everything had seemed to be going well for the Lobby. Then, out of a clear blue sky, Putin’s coup occurred.

He deposed the terrible Jelzman-Yeltsin. Today Yeltsin’s Jewish background is openly discussed even in the Establishment press, where as he is described as having “converted to Christianity”. For example, on page 1 of its issue of 17 July 2008, Die Welt refers to “Boris Yeltsin, the Communist who later converted to Christianity.”

When they brutally murdered the Czar’s family in Yekaterinburg on the night of 17 July 1918 in the house of the engineer Ipatjev, the Bolsheviks unwittingly established “…a cult that, 90 years later, is still as strong as ever.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, p. 1) This was true even though Jelzman did everything in his power to erase the memory of the Czar from Russian consciousness. “Boris Yelzin even had the Ipatjev house demolished without being able to stop the growing fondness for the Czar in Russia.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1).

However, the Russian schools now teach that it was Jews who murdered the Czar’s family, which is probably the reason why even Wikipedia has begun reporting that the murderers were Jews, a fact that could not be mentioned in former times. “On 4 July 1918, the Cheka took over guarding the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg. They were accompanied by Jakov Jurovski… Jurovski was a Jew.” (from Wikipedia). Two additional Jewish assassins who joined the Jurovski murderers were Alexander Belobarodov and Filip Goloschtschokin.

Today the Russians weep when they think of the horrible crime. “Only the Jews would have been capable of such a terrible bloody crime” stated a participant in the memorial mass in front of the Church of the Blood that was held in Yekaterinburg in 2008.

According to eyewitness reports of the massacre, “the Czarina complained to Commandant Jurovski about the empty room in which they were held and she requested two chairs. Jurovski then had two chairs brought in, on which the Czarina and her ill son Alexi sat down. Jurovski ordered the other family members to stand in two rows behind mother and son, then brought in the execution detail. Jurovski informed the Czar that the government had ordered their execution and therefore, he was now going to shoot them. The Czar said nothing except the words ‘Forgive them Father, for they know what they do’ as Jesus said on the Cross. Then Commandant Jurovski shot him. All the other soldiers also shot Nicholas as well, and he died immediately. Then the firing squad began shooting wildly to kill all the other members of the family. When the shooting was over, Alex and three of his sisters were still alive and lying wounded on the floor. The bullets that were fired at the girls seemed to have been deflected. The soldiers then began bayoneting the victims. However, the bayonets became stuck in the girls’ bodices. This was because, during internment in Alexander Palace, the children and Lady-in-waiting Anna Demidova had sewed a large number of the family jewels and diamonds into a pillow and the girls’ bodices. On the evening they were murdered they were wearing these bodices, and in addition, Demidova attempted to deflect the bullets with the pillow. For this reason the execution lasted about 20 minutes until the last member of the family was dead. After the murders, Jurovski attempted to erase all traces of the crime.” (

According to a report released by Archbishop Wikenti on 17 July 2008, around 40,000 persons took part in a religious procession from Yekaterinburg to an abandoned mineshaft some 18 kilometers distant.

The bodies of Czar Nicholas, his German wife Alexandra and their five children had been carried to that place after they had been shot by their Jewish murderers in the night of 17 July 1918 in Yekaterinburg. In conjunction with the memorial service for the Romanovs, copies of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were offered for sale. Large numbers of printed pamphlets were distributed along with the Protocols. The printed materials were entitled “Why we hate the Jewish Mafia” and posed the question “Is This Xenophobia or Self Defense?” The student Ivan Kolsev, 20, who had wrapped himself in a Czarist banner, expressed the opinion of many when he said “Democracy has no future — we are returning to Monarchy!” On the banner was written “In honor of Russia: for Czar and Fatherland.” [Agence France-Presse (AFP), 28 July 2008.]

For the Russians, the Jews are guilty of having killed emissaries of God when they murdered the Romanov family, since the family has been beatified. “…Just as they once crucified Jesus” said a participant in the memorial services. “Nicholas and Alexandra were our father and mother — they were like Russia’s parents” said another of the faithful. Another participant in the memorial mass expressed enthusiasm for the return of the Czarism: “The Czar is God’s chosen on Earth, we must have a Czar.” (AFP 17 July 2008.)

The new Czarist cult is more than a revolution, it is the rebirth of the Russian nation after all the suffering the Bolsheviks inflicted on it. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez expressed this view during his visit to Moscow at the end of July 2008: “Venezuela takes note of the rebirth of Russia with great and affectionate attention.” (Die Welt, 23 July 2008, p. 5)

President Medvedev then expressed sincere appreciation to President Chavez for his heartfelt interest. Since his first day as President of Russia, it has been Putin’s principal goal to enable Russia’s reawakening. He and his allies have always had a clear picture of the people who murdered the Romanovs along with 55 million other Russians.

It was always clear to Putin that these peoples’ primary aim was to suck Russia dry and annihilate it for all time with their unparalleled parasitism. A Kremlin politician close to Putin was quoted as saying about the then most influential Jews: “Boris Beresovski and Vladimir Gussinski are like bacteria that establish themselves in diseased bodies, but then die when the bodies grow healthy again.” [Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), 2 April 2002.] This statement reminds us of a passage from Mein Kampf: “The Jew is and will remain the eternal parasite, a freeloader that, like a malignant bacterium, spreads rapidly whenever a growth medium is made available to it.” (Chapter 11)

Vladimir Gussinski was the head of the Jewish Central Committee in Russia as well as chairman of the Jewish World Congress. After fleeing Russia for refuge in Israel, he stated to the world press that in Russia, “a new state ideology against the West is to be feared… It has many anti-Jewish characteristics.” He called the then Russian president, Vladimir Putin, an “extreme anti Semite and secret admirer of Hitler.” (Spiegel, 25/2000, p. 180)

In early July 2008 observers noted a new high point in Russia’s struggle against the Lobby, when the new US ambassador was installed in Berlin. Former chancellor Gerhard Schröder, an intimate friend of Putin, declined the invitation of the American ambassador, without explanation.

In the entire history of Post-War-Germany, or BRDDR, this had never before occurred. Such a snub could never have happened before, even in a dream. In addition to the fact that Schröder is not overly fond of the Lobby, he was certainly advised by his friend Putin to decline the invitation in order to demonstrate the new power relationship in Europe. “When the new American embassy is opened in Berlin, Gerhard Schröder was absent. The ex-chancellor had been invited by the Americans, but he declined the invitation… The reasons for the former chancellor’s failure to appear are not known.” (, 4 July 2008)


Here also a speech by Putin himself, speaking in German, where he mentions the importance for Europe of an independent and strong German Nation

And Putin with the honourable Hugo Chavez!

Israel: The Samson Option

The Meaning of The Bomb

That’s right folks, it was not an Iranian bomb with a lit fuse on display that day at the UN in front of all seven billion people on God’s green earth, but an Israeli one, and Nutty Netty’s message was clear – Destroy Iran or we will destroy you. Looney Tunes, yes, but definitely not a laughing matter, as the mad dog Israel finds itself in the latter stages of its rabid mindset and is threatening to tear the place apart piece by piece in order to get what she wants – universal Armageddon.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu draws a red line on a graphic of a bomb while addressing the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2012 in New York City.


The Samson Option

As Samson of the Bible, after being captured by the Philistines, brought down Dagon’s Temple and killed himself along with his enemies, Israel is willing to blow up the world – including themselves – if they “have to do so”, in order to destroy the Arab neighbors they hate so much.

“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: ‘Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.’ I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”


“Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30 years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past, and they have ensured against it. Masada was not an example to follow–it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Sampson in Gaza? With an H-bomb? What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens?

For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away–unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans–have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?”



UN-premiered ‘Bibi and His Bomb’:
Looney Tunes yes, funny no

It’s one of the unfortunate characteristics of the times we are living in today, where people laugh when they shouldn’t…

It’s what we might refer to in psychological terms as the ‘Yuck Yuck Syndrome’, and perfectly explainable, given the fact that organized Zionist interests – firmly in control of all levers of mass media – have turned virtually all aspects of life in the West into some version of either Seinfeld, Comedy Central or Pee Wee’s Playhouse.

EVERYTHING (except of course ‘Zionist’ issues such as the Holocaust that MUST be taken seriously under penalty of law) leaves us in stiches. A captive audience goes simply wild with laughter and applause after Zionist ‘comedienne’ Sarah Silverman says Jesus Christ should be crucified all over again with her hammering the nails into his hands… A sitting American president, after murdering millions of innocent people in Iraq, then jokes about his damnable actions at a White House Correspondence dinner and those in attendance wet themselves with glee. Another country – Libya – is invaded and destroyed by Western forces, over 100,000 are killed, the leader of that country is captured and then murdered by hired assassins and a sitting Secretary of State quips “We came, we saw, we killed” to a storm of snickering and guffaws.

And not just a ‘ruling elite’ thing, it trickles downward to the proles as well. Bumper stickers on American cars driven by Mr. or Mrs. Joe 6-Pack celebrating the fact that hundreds of millions of people in the Middle East are living under a death warrant signed by organized Zionist interests feature as prominently as free Gideon’s Bibles in hotel rooms across the fruited plain, as well as the obligatory ‘Terrorist Hunting License’ t-shirts sold in America’s gun stores and sports shops.

Best explained, it is all a form of psychological inertia – a body at motion stays in motion… Given organized Zionist interests’ control of mass media and the fact that by design everything is a non-stop vaudeville number meant to render the captive audience mentally/morally incapacitated and unable to think critically about important things, we literally can’t stop laughing, and not even when a knife has been put to our throat or a pistol to our head. In our state of perpetual giggledom, rather than recognize the up-close-and-personal threat for what it really is, instead we think it is all part of ‘the schtick’ and a stage prop of sorts whose punch line is sure to leave us laughing so hard that we’re ready to puke.

One such case of laughing off cue occurred recently (no, not Silverman’s latest ghettoesque/gutter-level ‘performance’ where she affected an act of bestiality on some poor dog, but rather) at the UN, whose audience that day was nothing less than all seven billion men, women and children living on God’s green earth…

The stand-up/not-so-funny comic in question was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – hands down the most dangerous man alive today – warning of the ‘dangers’ of Iran’s nuclear energy program. Attending Nutty Netty at the podium were some stage props of his own, namely a quasi-cartoonish drawing of a bomb with a lit fuse and a red magic marker that he used as if he were the political equivalent of Captain Kangaroo drawing stick figures on a poster board and the rest of the world his wide-eyed/schoolroom audience.

Across the globe and in all four corners of God’s green earth, from all media types – both mainstream and alternative – the reaction to Netanyahu’s display was virtually the same – mirth and merriment…. Enterprising writers, pundits and cartoonists immediately seized upon the moment and associated Netanyahu’s drawing with something seen on Looney Tunes and made him the butt of jokes worldwide.

The fact of the matter, however, is that this was one of those moments where laughter was as out of place as the proverbial cockroach on a wedding cake. This was not some skit on Saturday Night Live or a laugh-it-up vignette from Mad Magazine. Rather, it was more like the final scene in Stephen King’s horror novel Cujo, where a rabid dog – in the final and most dangerous stage of his illness – has gone completely mad and is literally tearing an automobile to pieces with his teeth in order to kill the woman and child hiding inside.

No, Nutty Netty was not there to entertain. Nor was he there to be mocked and ridiculed in the aftermath of his performance. Remember, self-absorbed, pathologically-narcissistic/ gangster types don’t like laughter at their own expense, and the fact that there were no news reports of him seething in rage and putting his foot through nearby television sets when hearing of the tsunami of snickering that resulted from his speech should scare the hell out of everyone as well, because what this means is that this snickering was not only anticipated but welcomed.

Why? Because Netanyahu – while certainly speaking IN FRONT OF all seven billion inhabitants on God’s green earth nevertheless was only speaking TO those few who are in decision-making positions such as Obama and his European counterparts. One of the secrets to the longevity and effectiveness of organized Zionist interests is/has been their ability to operate outside the public eye, lest the same ‘donkeys’ (as Gentiles were recently characterized by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, a strong ideological ally of Netanyahu) begin to figure out the nature of the machinations being arrayed against them.

What Netanyahu was actually doing that day at the UN was speaking in a dialect of Pig Latin understandable only by those ‘in the know’ and the message he was sending was of the most serious nature imaginable, namely that Israel is on the verge of blowing its lid and taking the world down with it, a threat made numerous times over the years in blackmailing the West into giving Israel what it demands when it demands it. Like the infamous “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse” line from The Godfather, Netanyahu’s speech and bomb depiction was a very subtle, insiders-only message meant only for the eyes and ears of those fluent in the language of gangsterese, that when translated went something like this:

“Mr. President…Mr. Prime Minister…Your Holiness, ladies and gentlemen and all those tuned to this frequency and watching this in real time…Consider this to be your last warning…The fuse has been lit and time’s just about up and if we don’t get what we want we are going to blow this place to kingdom come, and you know we’ll do it…We pulled off 9/11 and got away with it…Think of the controlled demolition of your economies – a mirrored reflection of the Twin Towers coming down, room by room, floor by floor and story by story, and we got away with it…Those 400 Israeli nukes always the subject of nervous discussion – do you really believe they are sitting in Israel, buried safely in some silo, thousands of miles away? Well then, let me do the math for you. We presently have about 100 left in Israel. The other 300 are sitting in all the major cities of the world, including your capitals, brought in under diplomatic cover over the course of the last 40 years, just one phone call and one key turn away from going hot. This is the last time we are going to have this conversation in this manner, because the next thing taking place is your cities going up one by one if our demands are not met.

Shhhhh…..Listen Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Your Holiness, ladies and gentlemen and all those tuned to this frequency and watching this in real time…Do you hear that? Listen to them out there, your subjects and your citizens, laughing at this presentation as if it were all a joke or some episode of Looney Tunes, but you and I both know it’s not funny and that at the end of this little comedy, it will be we, the Zionists, who will have the last laugh, one way or the other, by hook or by crook…”

That’s right folks, it was not an Iranian bomb with a lit fuse on display that day at the UN in front of all seven billion people on God’s green earth, but an Israeli one, and Nutty Netty’s message was clear – Destroy Iran or we will destroy you. Looney Tunes, yes, but definitely not a laughing matter, as the mad dog Israel finds itself in the latter stages of its rabid mindset and is threatening to tear the place apart piece by piece in order to get what she wants – universal Armageddon.

As unsettling as it is, nevertheless in truth there was/is little new about these threats. President George H. Bush was on the receiving end of similar business when he arrived in Israel in 2008 during the last few months of his presidency and was met on the tarmac at Ben Gurion airport by a group of rabbis allied with Netanyahu who presented him with a scroll entitled ‘Megillat Bush’ that read in part as follows:

“Heaven forbid, you can choose to willfully aid in destruction…You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up the Zionists who are slaughtered daily by their enemies? Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world’s four greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us through every generation…

…Understand this well – God ordained that the role of the nations of the world is to strengthen Israel. Therefore, it behooves you to declare: ‘I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America, will instruct all of my troops to protect the divine rights of the Israelis, and remove from it any threat.’ Before you is a choice: You can merit eternal life, or be inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of Israel…”

The only difference between the threats made in 2008 and those in 2012 is that Netanyahu is not sending his own personal ‘Men in Black’ henchmen as emissaries, but rather doing so in a manner ‘up close and personal’ in front of the entire world as a means of underscoring how serious he is about America destroying Iran for Israel’s benefit.

Among the many things associated with this latest stunt, this alone should remove any inclination for laughter on the part of those who understand the game being played here, since what it indicates is the desperation that has gripped Netanyahu & Co.

No, let’s re-phrase that for reasons of context. Desperation on the part of a bunch of backwards, apocalyptically-minded racial supremacists whose cult believes that the existence of the Zionist people is the embodiment of God and that to oppose them is to oppose God himself, and that there is no price – including incinerating the entire human race – that is too high in the furtherance of this cult’s agenda.

In short, the Zionist narrative can be summed up thus:‘The world is our oyster, and if we can’t have it, no one will…’

Doubtless that Netanyahu & Co are in a state of ‘mild’ panic over the prospect of another Obama term with no Iranian bloodbath taking place. American presidents dragging their feet or outrightly disobeying orders from their superiors – meaning the same organized Zionist interests who brought them to power – is EXTREMELY dangerous to ‘law & order’ as pertains these interests maintaining their control over elected officials in the West or wherever. Why, the more Obama ignores Nutty Netty’s orders, the closer the plantation comes to an all-out slave rebellion, a situation that could very quickly get out of hand, and possibly on a permanent basis.

And not just the political class, but the military one as well. When examining the unabashed and unapologetic opposition that the crème de la crème of the American military establishment has displayed towards organized Zionist demands that America involve herself in YET ANOTHER war for Israel (this time against Iran that could bring into the mix a nuclear-armed/military-capable Russia), the possibility that the parasitic Israel might be pulled off the back of the one dog who is her main source of sustenance is something driving the Armageddonists in the Netanyahu government crazier than they already are, if such a thing is even possible.

Now, doubtless those within ‘respectable’ media circles – again, both mainstream and alternative – are now giggling at this as well.

And that’s just the way Netanyahu & Co want it. They DON’T want media outlets seeing the threat for what it is and thus discussing it publically within earshot of Mr. or Mrs. Joe 6-Pack. If the peoples of America and the West were to put 2 and 2 together in this fashion and realize that indeed they are just one phone call away from having the world around them Holocausted in the interests of appeasing the Zionist god of war, supremacism and self-worship, they might actually take a REAL interest in politics and begin demanding that their elected officials take THEIR interests at heart rather than those of a foreign country. If they were to come to realize that they find themselves in a real-life version of Little Red Riding Hood, with themselves staring into the face of a vicious, rabid wolf whose pearly whites are a mere few inches from their collective jugular vein, they may actually start BELIEVING all the anti-Zionist ‘conspiracy theories’ they’ve heard from time to time dealing with Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY, the Lavon Affair, Israel’s assassination of JFK, the ‘5 dancing Israelis’ arrested on 9/11 and a lot more.

What most people in the sane world fail to understand (and which initially led them to ridicule ‘Bibi’s Bomb’, as it has come to be known) are the backwards, maniacal, cultish currents driving the entire ‘Zionist entity’ thing. As we in the sane world have been told on occasions too numerous to count, Israel is not a ‘normal’ entity…As we in the sane world have been told on occasions too numerous to count, ‘Western values are not the same as Zionist ones’. Lest we forget, during Israel’s slaughter of the innocents in of Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead the head rabbi of the IDF, Brigadier General Achivai Rontski, warned his troops against showing mercy towards civilians, characterizing such as mere ‘Gentile folly’.

Pay close mind to that last one, fellow inhabitants of God’s green earth – Israel may kill ‘the children of a leader, in order to pressure him’, which would obviously include Americans in some false flag event that would then be blamed on Iran.

Therefore, when a should-be psychiatric patient such as Netanyahu spends YEARS threatening another country, and especially when he speaks in front of the world body with a picture of a bomb about to go off. And for those who doubt that Nutty Netty has the moxie in him to do such a thing – meaning to orchestrate a major terrorist attack against the US or wherever – out of the notion that somehow he has some small shred of humanity left in him that would prevent and preclude such a thing, remember that this was the same less-than-sane individual who, when asked about the 3,000 Americans killed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11 , responded by saying it was ‘good’ in that it would generate ‘immediate sympathy for Israel.’

There is a time to laugh and a time to worry, and when a mad dog war-criminal such as Netanyahu comes before the civilized world brandishing a picture of a bomb about to go off, growling and snarling about ‘red lines’ and ‘wiping countries off the map’, a sane world should understand that this is not Seinfeld, Comedy Central or Pee Wee’s Playhouse, but rather Cujo, Fatal Attraction and Scarface all rolled into one ticking time bomb about to go off in our faces.



Radio broadcast wherein Mark Glenn discusses his article and meeting the honourable President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York and much more with Michael Collins Piper:

Radio broadcast archive:

Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin


Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Me

Dietrich Eckart

Translated by Dr. William Pierce


The following material has been translated from a pamphlet found in the NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Its German title was Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir, and it was originally published in Munich in March 1924 from unfinished notes on which Dietrich Eckart had been working in the autumn of 1923.

Dietrich Eckart was born on March 23, 1868, in the Bavarian town of Neumarkt, which is about twenty miles southeast of Nürnberg, and he died on December 26, 1923, in Berchtesgaden. He was a poet, a playwright, a journalist, scholar, and a philosopher, as well as a dedicated fighter for the National Socialist cause. Among his better-known works are his play Lorenzaccio and his translation and adaptation to the German stage of Ibsen’s Peer Gynt. He was for a while editor of the Völkischer Beobachter, and he wrote the NSDAP song, with the famous words “Deutschland erwache,” which later became a NSDAP byword.

The reader interested in more details of Eckart’s life, as well as a fairly extensive sampling of his poetry, is referred to Alfred Rosenberg’s book Dietrich Eckart: Ein Vermächtnis (Munich, 1928 ff.)

Der Bolschewismus is of interest to Americans today for three reasons. First, it is the last earthly work of the man who, as the intimate companion of Adolf Hitler during those critical, early years in Munich, helped prepare the spiritual foundations of National Socialism. Eckart had been seriously ill as he was writing the pamphlet, and his arrest and temporary imprisonment, as a consequence of the Munich putsch of November 9, 1923, were followed shortly by his death.

Second, it is instructive, as being representative of a certain category of propaganda. Eckart was a practical propagandist as well as an idealist and a poet, and Der Bolschewismus is an excellent example of his style. Aimed at the reader with the equivalent of a high-school education, it is skillfully contrived to avoid tediousness and maintain a relatively unsophisticated audience’s interest while making a rather extensive, if not intensive, historical investigation of the Jewish question. It achieves this by relegating the great majority of documentary evidence to footnotes and by liberally interspersing historically significant points with spicy or amusing tidbits.

Third, it is of considerable interest, even today, for its own sake. Although the last forty years have unfortunately provided us with considerably more experience of Jewish-Bolshevist activities, Eckart did quite well with the materials available to him in 1923. Of particular interest is his use of the Old Testament, as a history of the Jews, to throw light onto more recent Jewish activities.

Eckart’s notes for Der Bolschewismus were still in rather rough and unfinished form when he died, and this will be evident at a few places in the text which follows. The editor has slightly condensed the original material during his translation, omitting several of the more ragged portions and such things as untranslatable puns, as well as a few sections which have limited interest for present-day readers. Additional footnotes have been added by the editor in a few places, and these are so designated.


Hitler“Yes!” he cried. “We’ve been on the wrong track! Consider how an astronomer would handle a similar situation. Suppose that he has been carefully observing the motion of a certain group of celestial bodies over a long period of time. Examining his records, he suddenly notices something amiss: ‘Damn it!’ he says. ‘Something’s wrong here. Normally, these bodies would have to be situated differently relative to one another; not this way. So there must be a hidden force somewhere which is responsible for the deviation. And, using his observations, he performs lengthy calculations and accurately computes the location of a planet which no eye has yet seen, but which is there all the same, as he has just proved. But what does the historian do, on the other hand? He explains an anomaly of the same type solely in terms of the conspicuous statesmen of the time. It never occurs to him that there might have been a hidden force which caused a certain turn of events. But it was there, nevertheless; it has been there since the beginning of history. You know what that force is: the Jew.”

“Yes, certainly,” I replied, “but to prove it, to prove it! For the last fifty or hundred years, so far as I’m concerned, it’s been obvious; indeed, a good deal further back, perhaps even in pre-Christian times…”

“My dear fellow,” he replied to me, “we can read in Strabo [Strabo (Greek geographer and historian, ca. 63 B.C. — ca. 24 A.D.), Geographica.] that already in his time, shortly after the birth of Christ, there was hardly a place to be found on the whole earth which was not then dominated by the Jews; dominated, he writes, not merely inhabited. Already decades earlier, Cicero [Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratio pro L. Flacco. In 59 B.C. Cicero defended the proconsul Flaccus, who, at the urging of Jews, was accused of corruption in connection with his administrative activity in Syria.] — at that time a great and powerful man, my friend! — suddenly lost his nerve when, in his well-known defense plea in the Capitol, he was obliged to point out the great influence and the cohesiveness of the Jews: ‘Softly, softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many another gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills.’ Similarly, the influence of the Jews with Augustus was so great that they completely intimidated Pontius Pilate, who, as deputy of the Roman Emperor, was certainly not a nobody. Thus he said, ‘For God’s sake, away with this sordid Jewish affair!’ as he reached for the washbasin and condemned Christ, whom he considered guiltless, to death (John 19:12). Considering these things, my friend, every child knows — or rather, could know — how late the hour already was at that time.”

A reach for the Old Testament, a brief flipping of pages, and — “There,” he cried, “the recipe from which the Jews always brew their hellish broth! We anti-Semites are really something. We manage to find out everything except that which is really important.” Word for word, he emphatically read with a hard voice:

“And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother and every one against his neighbor; city against city and kingdom against kingdom. And the spirit of Egypt shall fall in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards (Isaiah 19:2-3).

“Yes indeed,” he laughed bitterly, “now the people will seek to Dr. Cuno, and Dr. Schweyer, and Dr. Heim, [Three figures prominent in German politics in 1923: the German Chancellor, the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, and the founder and leader of the Bavarian People’s Party, respectively. [Translator]] and whatever other charmers and wizards they have. When asked why Germany has become a pigsty these gentlemen will answer reproachfully, ‘You yourselves are to blame. You have no more good breeding, no faith, only selfishness and conceit. Now you will try to put the blame on the Jews. It’s always been like that when you have needed a scapegoat. Then everyone has jumped on the Jews and persecuted them unmercifully. And just because they had the money, and because they were defenseless. Is it any wonder that a few individual Jews are behaving in a reprehensible manner now? After all, one finds some black sheep in every group. As if there weren’t a good number of decent Jews! Look at their piety, their sense of family responsibility, their sober way of life, their readiness to make sacrifices, and, above all, their ability to stick together! And you? At one another like dogs and cats: sheer insanity!’

Thus will the charmers and wizards prattle on and on, till one night the blood sign will appear on all the Jewish houses, and the infuriated masses, led by the Jews, will swarm forth to smite all the firstborn in the land again as in Egypt” (Exodus 12:7-13, 29-30).

“Remember how it was here in Munich during the communist takeover?” I interjected. “The houses of the Jews certainly weren’t marked with blood, but there must have been a secret arrangement, because among all those who suffered the misfortune of a house search not one was a Jew. As a matter of fact, one of the stupid Red troopers who had me by the hair answered my sarcastic question by explaining that it was forbidden to search the Jewish houses.

“And in 1871, in Paris, the Jewish defense also ran according to plan. There the communists destroyed whatever they could, but the many places and houses of the Rothschilds remained completely intact. [James K. Hosmer, The Jews (New York, 1885), p. 272. [Translator]] All this enables us to understand the place in Exodus according to which ‘a mixed multitude’ also left Egypt with the Jews.”

“In Egypt the scoundrels’ scheme succeed only about halfway,” he finished. “The Egyptians became masters of the situation at the last moment and sent the ‘mixed multitude’ to the devil, together with the Jews. There must have been a desperate struggle. The slaughter of the firstborn reveals that clearly enough. Just as they have done with us, the Jews had won the great lower stratum of the population for themselves — ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!’ — until one night they sent out the order, ‘Down with the bourgeois! Kill them, the dogs!’ but things didn’t turn out so well as they had expected. That portion of the Egyptian nation that had remained patriotic turned the tables and booted Moses, Cohn, and Levi out of the country, followed by the inhabitants whom they had incited. During this exodus they carried along as much stolen booty as they could manage, the Bible reports with satisfaction. It also reports, in no uncertain terms, that the Egyptians were glad to be rid of them (Exodus 12:35-36; Psalms 105:38). The best, though, was the reward the Jews gave their stupid accomplices. Suddenly they began calling them ‘rabble,’ [In the translation from the Hebrew of Exodus 12:38, that word which is rendered in the King James version as “mixed multitude” appears in the German Bible as “Pöbelvolk,” meaning “rabble.” [Translator]] whereas formerly they had called them ‘comrade’ and pretended to love them. Imagine the faces these deluded ones must have made in the desert when they heard this.”

“The murder of seventy-five thousand Persians, in the Book of Esther, no doubt had the same Bolshevist background,” I answered. “The Jews certainly didn’t accomplish that all by themselves.”

“No more,” he confirmed, “than the dreadful bloodbath over half the Roman Empire, which took place during the reign of Emperor Trajan. Hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish nobles in Babylonia, in Cyrenaica, in Egypt, and on Cyprus butchered like cattle, most of them after the most abominable torture! [In volume two, chapter 16 (page 384 of the 1783 London edition) of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon reports: “From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives…. In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000, in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle round their bodies.” [Translator]] And today the Jews still rejoice over that. ‘If only the various centers of rebellion had cooperated,’ triumphs the Jew Graetz, ‘then perhaps they would have already been able to give the Roman colossus its death blow at that time.'” [Heinrich Graetz, Geschichte der Juden von den ÄItesten Zeiten (Breslau, 1853).]

“The Jews call our Sedan Day [September 2. Sedan was the site of the great Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian war, on this day in 1870. [Translator]] celebration barbarous,” I remarked. “But they find entirely in order the fact that, year in and year out, they still, after all this enormous time, celebrate in the synagogues their heroic deed concerning the seventy-five thousand Persians, in the feast of Purim.” [“The rest of the Jews in the king’s provinces had united to defend themselves; they took vengeance on their enemies by killing seventy-five thousand of those who hated them” (NEB Esther 9:16). On the origin of Purim (Feast of Lots), which falls in late February or early March, see Esther 9:24-26. Purim is the most overtly anti-Gentile of the various Jewish festivals — celebrated with ritual beatings and even crucifixions of Haman, the principal Gentile villain in the Book of Esther — and accordingly Baruch Goldstein, in 1994, selected Purim as the appropriate “holy day” to slaughter 29 Muslims in Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque. [Irmin]]

“None of this evidence seems to make any impression on us, however,” he said dryly. “One would think us deaf and blind.

“Before the first clash with the Egyptians, the head scoundrel, the modest Joseph, had pretty well prepared: the seven lean cows, all the granaries filled, the people raging with hunger, the reigning Pharaoh a perfect flunky of the Jews, and Joseph, with a corner on the grain supply, ‘ruler over all the land’! (Genesis 41:43). All the lamentations of the Egyptians were in vain; the Jew held the warehouse closed with an iron fist until they, in return for a bit of bread, were obliged to give away first their money, then their cattle and their land, and finally their freedom. And suddenly the capital was swarming with Jews; old Jacob was there, and ‘his sons, and his sons’ sons with him, his daughters, and his sons’ daughters, and all his seed’ — the entire hodgepodge (Genesis 46:7). And Joseph ‘wept a good while’ for joy. Afterward, he said to his brothers: ‘ye shall eat the fat of the land,’ and ‘the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.’ (Genesis 45:18,20)

“But some time after this glorious Egyptian citizen of the Jewish faith, one hundred and ten years old, had died, the old Pharaoh also passed away and was succeeded by another Pharaoh, who ‘knew not Joseph,’ and, seeing the multitude of Jews, who meanwhile had grown very powerful, he became quite frightened. He feared lest: ‘when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies’ (Exodus 1:6-10); thus he was smarter than Wilhelm II, [Emperor William II of Germany, who abdicated in 1918 after the Marxist-Jewish revolution in Germany led to the crumbling of her war effort and the loss of World War I. [Translator]] who hoped for their support. The Jews must work, he decided. In all seriousness, work. ‘Unmerciful,’ wailed the Jewish chronicler. No wonder that they breathed vengeance. After all, for what did one have the Pöbelvolk, if not to do the work?

“By now, the Egyptians had forgotten dear Joseph, who was dead and gone but there was no lack of others on whom to blame the state of affairs, namely the landowners, the industrialists, the bourgeois. According to the Jews, no one else was responsible. ‘Proletarians of all countries, unite!’ And the masses believed it and turned on their own flesh and blood for the sake of the ‘chosen people,’ who had brought on all their distress in the first place. But to us they touchingly read aloud in school the beautiful story of Joseph and his brothers. No doubt many teachers ‘wept a good while.’ It’s enough to drive one to despair.”

He paused with a dark look at the Book of Hate.

“And so it goes, through the entire Old Testament,” he began again. “Indeed, I’m telling you nothing new, but we must bring it home to ourselves as often as possible in order to be able to negate the constant hypocritical babble. Really, the Book of Joshua should suffice; such a thing of uninterrupted genocide, of bestial cruelty, of shameless rapacity and cold-blooded cunning — Hell incarnate! And everything in the name of Jehova, in fact, according to his express wish! When the city of Jericho fell victim to the Jews through the treachery of the harlot Rahab, neither man nor beast, neither young nor old remained among the living; only the harlot was spared. She and her whole, noble family were rewarded with the privilege of living in Israel (Joshua 6:25). And what good-natured peoples they were who, one after another, were completely exterminated! Delitzsch, who has thoroughly investigated that period, writes, for example, about the Canaanites: on all the hills, under every shady tree, they rendered adoration and reverence to the sun god and to the salutary goddess Aschera; and he compares this beautiful, poetic custom with the pious way of our Catholic villagers, serving the Almighty in remote mountain chapels.” [Friedrich Delitzsch, Die Grosse Täuschung: Kritische Betrachfungen zu den alttestamentlichen Berichten über Israels Eindringen in Kanaan, Die Gottesoffenbarung vom Sinai, und die Wirksamkeit der Propheten (Stuttgart, 1920).]

“Joshua alone,” I emphasized, “was responsible for the massacre of thirty-one kings, with all their people. Among those nations exterminated in these predatory raids were several who had yielded themselves trustingly to him. Each time the sinister words, ‘let none survive,’ were heard. I am inclined to believe that the Pöbelvolk or at least their descendants, must have still been the obedient shock troops of the Jews, not because the work was so atrocious, but because the children of Israel have always let deluded Gentiles do their dirty work, particularly where danger was involved. Besides, they would not have been strong enough to subdue the peoples to whom they were opposed, without the bellicose enthusiasm of their brutalized comrades.

“Of particular interest is the evident satisfaction with which the Jews have deliberately enumerated each of the slain kings one is reminded of the prophet Isaiah. In one place, he raves as if possessed: ‘The Lord is angry at all the Gentiles; he will deliver them to the slaughter; their land will became burning pitch; it will become a wasteland, soaked with their blood; there will be no nobles in the land; their princes will die out’ (Isaiah 34). Between Isaiah and Joshua were hundreds of years, but in that whole time the infernal rage of the Jews against non-Jewish royalty hadn’t changed a bit.”

“And in all eternity nothing will change,” he proceeded, “so far as the attitude of the Jews toward our kings and our leaders is concerned. To destroy them is their eternal sin, and when they can’t accomplish this by force, then they will use cunning. Whenever we have a strong leadership, the Jews are obliged to keep their noses clean. Our leadership can be truly strong, however, only if it is based completely in our people; only if it concerns itself with the welfare of the least among them just as much as with that of the wealthiest of them; only if, in the firm conviction of its own worth, it bars every alien influence from the beginning; only if it is not merely national, but is also social, down to its very bones. No matter what others may say, I assert this: a time will come when all the elite nations of the world will have such a leadership; and then everyone will be astonished to see that, instead of grating on one another as has previously been the case, they will treat one another with respect and consideration. For then there will be no more whipping up of land greed, of an itching for power, of suspicion — sentiments which exist in unmixed form only in the isolated few, and not in the more trusting general populace, anyhow. There will be an end to the lying praise of an indiscriminate human brotherhood, which would be possible, if at all, only under the supposition that one had from the first excluded that eternal mischief-maker, the Jew. But had this been done, there would be no need to push the universal brotherhood idea; the various peoples would find themselves compatible of their own accord.”

“Tell me,” I interrupted him; “strictly speaking, do you consider the Jew to be national, or international?”

“Neither,” was the answer. “One who really feels international has as much regard for the rest of the world as he does for his own nation. Were our so-called international swarms really like that — fine. But I fear that they are secretly more concerned with the attitude of the rest of the world toward themselves than with their own attitude toward the world. Internationalism requires basically good intentions. But the Jew fundamentally and completely lacks these. He hasn’t the remotest idea of classifying himself with the rest of humanity. His aim is to dominate others in order to extort from them at his leisure. Were he really interested in comradeship, he has had the longest and most abundant opportunity for it. Jehovah’s command to him to make no alliances with foreign peoples, but, on the contrary, to devour one after the other, went straight to his heart (Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16). Everywhere one greeted him with cordiality, at first: in ancient Egypt, in Persia, in Babylonia, in Europe; the cloven hoof appeared everywhere. The early Germanic conquerors found him with a number of arrogated rights and made no move to dispossess him of these. He was allowed to do business wherever and however he wanted, even in the slave trade, toward which he has always been peculiarly inclined. Like everyone else, he could hold public office, including the magistracy; and his so-called religion was protected by the state. Thus wrote Otto Hauser, who is an excellent source of fascinating illuminations regarding the Jews.” [Otto Hauser, Geschichte des Judentums (Weimar, 1921), p. 251.]

“I should say so!” I nodded. “One must partake of him with caution though, otherwise one may not see the black forest for the ‘blond’ trees. [Hauser distinguishes “light” or “blond” men, or, as he says, men of noble race, from “dark” or “black” men of inferior race. Wherever he has occasion to mention a blond Jew in his book, he praises him to the sky. For my part, I have met some of the greatest rascals among blond Jews.] On the whole, I prefer Werner Sombart, even though his Berlin lectures swarm with Jews.”

“Now, he says the same thing!” he cried. “According to him the Jews were by no means always second-class citizens. In antiquity one even found them often with special privileges which absolved them from certain duties, such as military service. [Werner Sombart, Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig, 1911), p. 356.] It was never their strong side to risk armed conflict. In the War of Liberation, [Against Napoleon Bonaparte, 1813-1815. [Translator]] the Jews of Deutsch-Krone, in Pomerania, sent a petition to the king, requesting permission to remain home from the campaign in return for money. In this petition they argued that ten thousand talers would be of much more use in the war effort than the frankly questionable fighting ability of a Jew. The petition was accepted, not only from them, but also from the Jews of five more of the seven Prussian districts.” [Hauser, op. cit., p. 376.]

“Yes, I know that place in Hauser,” I added; “it is authentic. He also quotes there from Mayer’s Encyclopedia, however, a statement which calmly claims that the Jews, through their heroic spirit in the War of Liberation, proved themselves as worthy German citizens.”

“Just as they did in the World War,” he winked expressively. “If I had my way, I’d require placards to be hung in all the schools, at every street corner, and in every public room, on which would be printed nothing but Schopenhauer’s description of the Jews: ‘Great masters of the lie’! [Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena II p. 174.] There is no better description. And it applies without exception to every Jew equally, whether high or low, stock exchange tycoon or rabbi, baptized or circumcised. Our servile people! Provoked for thousands of years! And the innocents are taken in again and again by this blatant swindle. It is understandable that they become surly with the Jews, but only after the latter have shamelessly abused their naive good nature and plundered them to the skin with their usury and fraud. And that has been the case everywhere: in the old Roman Empire, in Egypt, in Asia, later in England, Italy, France, Poland, Holland, Germany, and even, as Sombart writes, ‘in the Iberian peninsula, where the Jews have experienced so many blessings’!

“And the game they’re playing today, they have been at for two thousand years,” he continued. “I think that suffices to characterize the nature of Jewish internationalism. Now we still have left to consider the national feeling of the Jews. Naturally not that of the one for Germany, of the other for England, and so on. Not many mice are to be caught with that bait any longer. ‘Send me a box full of German soil, so that I can at least symbolically defile the accursed country,’ wrote the German Jew, Börne; and Heinrich Heine sniffed out Germany’s future from a toilet bowl. [Ludwig Börne (alias Löb Baruch), Briefe aus Paris (Hamburg, 1832); Heinrich (alias Chaim) Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (1844).] The physicist, Einstein, whom the Jewish publicity agents celebrate as a second Kepler, explained he would have nothing to do with German nationalism. He considered ‘deceitful’ the custom of the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith of concerning themselves only with the religious interests of the Jews and not with their racial community also. A rare bird? No, only one who believed his people already safely in control, and thus considered it no longer necessary to keep up pretenses. In the Central Association itself, the mask has already fallen. A Dr. Brünn frankly admitted there that the Jews could have no German national spirit. [Artur Brünn, Im Deutschen Reich (the periodical of the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith) 1913, No. 8.] We always mistake their unprincipled exertions to accommodate themselves to all and everyone for impulses of the heart. Whenever they see an advantage to be gained by adopting a certain pose, they never hesitate, and certainly wouldn’t let ethical considerations stand in their way. How many Galician Jews have first become Germans, then Englishmen, and finally Americans! And every time in the twinkling of an eye. With startling rapidity they change their nationality back and forth, and wherever their feet touch, there resounds either the ‘Watch on the Rhine,’ or the ‘Marsellaise,’ or ‘Yankee Doodle.’ Dr. Heim does not once question the fact that our Warburgs, our Bleichroders, or our Mendelssohns are able to transfer their patriotism as well as their residence of today to London or to New York on the morrow. ‘On the sands of Brandenburg an Asiatic horde!’ Walther Rathenau once blurted out about the Berlin Jews. [Walther Rathenau, Berliner Kulturzentren, 1913. Rathenau was a Jewish war profiteer in World War I and later a minister in the Weimar government. He was executed by German patriots in 1922. [Translator]]

He forgot to add that the same horde is on the Isar, the Elbe, the Main, the Thames, the Seine, the Hudson, the Neva, and the Volga. And all of them with the same deceit toward their neighbors. Our charmers and wizards, however, distinguish between respectable and not-so-respectable, between settled and newly immigrated, between western and eastern Jews, and if worse comes to worst, they shrug their shoulders and mutter, ‘Every country has the Jews it deserves.’ It means nothing to them that it was a Jew who coined this fine-sounding phrase. Nor that in the case of Germany, considering the quality of the Jews we have ‘deserved,’ it becomes a resounding slap in the face. ‘All Israel stands openly in the British camp!’ announced the American union leader Samuel Gompers in 1916. And that includes the German Jews too, as the American, Ford, well knew. He has written of the faithlessness of the so-called ‘German’ Jews toward the country where they live, of the fact that they have united themselves with the rest of the world’s Jews toward the ruin of Germany. ‘Why?’ jeers the Jew. ‘Because the German is a vulgar scoundrel, a backward, medieval creature, who hasn’t the faintest idea of our worth. And we should help such rabble? No, he has the Jews he deserves!’ Such arrogance is indeed staggering to behold.”

I reminded him of Russia. “Before the revolution, the Jews condemned her as a downright sewer of vileness, even though they were the evident vermin in that sewer; now, the same Jews are at the helm, and, wuppdiwupp, the same Russia is a great nation.”

“In the year 1870,” he rejoined, “we Germans had the privilege of being a great people. The Jews considered that the time had arrived for replacing the French emperor, who had become undependable, with a pliable president. This also seemed an excellent opportunity to establish the Commune; [A Jew-controlled, socialist government of Paris which lasted only from March 18 to May 27, 1871, but which was responsible for thousands of horribly atrocious murders during this brief period. [Translator]] thus the ‘heroic German people.’ No wonder that right behind our princes and generals a pack of gesticulating Jewish financiers rode into Paris. Meanwhile, though, we have sunk back down into the pack again. The press, ‘that select tool of the Anti-christ,’ as Bismarck called it, has designated us as ‘Boches’ and as ‘Huns.’ But have patience! The more quickly we approach Bolshevism, the more glorious we will become again. And one fine day it will be the English and the French who are the scoundrels. One doesn’t need spectacles to see that. ‘I am a British subject but, first and foremost, a Jew,’ screamed a Hebrew years ago in a large English-Jewish newspaper. [M.J. Wodeslowsky, Jewish World, January 1, 1909.] And another: ‘Whoever has to choose between his duties as an Englishman and as a Jew must choose the latter.’ [Joseph Cohen, Jewish World, November 4, 1913.] And a third: ‘Jews who want to be both patriotic Englishmen and good Jews are simply living lies.’ [Jewish Chronicle, December 10, 1911.] That they could venture things of that sort so openly indicates how overrun with Jews England already was then.”

“The stronghold of European Jewry had its origin in the period between Cromwell and Edward VII,” I emphasized. “Since then, however, the center of Jewish activity seems to have been transferred to America. They have had a good footing there for a long time. Sombart maintains that it was Jewish money which made the first two voyages of Columbus possible. [Sombart, op. cit., pp. 32-33.] A Jew, Luis de Torres, is supposed to have been the first European to step on American soil. And, topping everything else, the Jews have recently claimed Columbus himself as one of them.”

“That’s not surprising,” he laughed. “Everyone who has somehow played a role in the world, the dear Lord included, is a Jew. [Jesus was, of course, Jewish by birth. But there are in fact ancient documents that suggest otherwise, such as a spurious letter purportedly by a contemporary of Pontius Pilate, the Epistle of Publius Lentulus, which describes Jesus as blond and blue-eyed. Eckart is relying on this tradition of the Aryan Christ. Cf. Alfred Rosenberg, Myth of the Twentieth Century, trans. Vivian Bird (Newport Beach, CA: Noontide Press, 1982), p. 397: “There is no proof for the often-made claim that Jesus was a Jew. Indeed, there is much to show for the contrary. Jesus possibly was Aryan, or partially so, showing the Nordic type strongly. Let us look at Die historische Persönlichkeit Jesu (Munich, 1924). It reports that, according to the Syrian-Christian preacher Ephraem (fourth century A.D.), Jesus had a Danaite woman, that is, someone born in Dan, for a mother and a Latin as a father. Ephraem sees nothing dishonorable in this, adding ‘Jesus thus derived his ancestry from two of the greatest and most famous nations — namely, from the Syrians on the maternal side and from the Romans on the paternal.’ Ephraem presupposes the universal acknowledgement of this fact.” [Irmin]] They even have Goethe and Schopenhauer on their list. And blessed be he who believes it. For my part, I contest them Columbus as well as Torres; ocean travel was much more hazardous then than now.”

“According to Hauser,” I replied, “Columbus was an Aryan, perhaps even of German descent.”

“It’s all the same to me,” he responded. “As far as I’m concerned, he could have been a Zulu, I’d sooner attribute his deed to a Negro than to a Jew.”

“Completely aside from that, it’s clear that they have had America by the throat for quite a while,” I continued. “No country, writes Sombart, displays more of a Jewish character than the United States. [Ibid., p. 39.] We have already seen a consequence of this in the World War. In 1915, at a time when the true Americans hadn’t the slightest thought of a war against us and, in fact, were so disposed toward us that any indication of a possible conflict of interest could have been smoothly and amicably settled, a secret advisory committee met with President Wilson for the sole purpose of preparing the country for war against Germany. [Five years after Der Bolschewismus was written — on June 2, 1928 — an article appeared in Liberty magazine, by the former head of the United States Secret Service, William J. Flynn, detailing the previously secret intrigues of Wilson, Baruch, et al. in 1915 to engage the United States in the World War. But these treacherous proceedings pale into insignificance when compared to the activities of the Zionist Jews in 1916, following the negotiations between the British Government and world Jewry which led to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. In a pamphlet published in London in March 1936 by the New Zion Press and entitled Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine, Samuel Landman, the well-known Zionist, states that these negotiations led to a “quid pro quo contract” in which Jewry agreed to use its influence to bring America into the war on Britain’s side in return for Britain’s guarantee that Palestine would be handed over to the Jews. He says that, once the negotiations were complete, “the change in official and public opinion as reflected in the American press in favor of joining the Allies in the War was as gratifying as it was surprisingly rapid.” Eckart, of course, did not know the full story of these arrangements in 1923. [Translator]] And who was the chief wire-puller in these nefarious activities, which were set into motion a full two years before the engagement of the United States in the war? The previously unknown Jew, Bernard Baruch. ‘I believed that the war would come, long before it came,’ he later calmly explained to the special committee of Congress which confirmed all this. And no one got up and beat the crafty scoundrel to a pulp.”

“The resolution of the Jewish high command many years ago to unleash the World War is well authenticated,” he said. “At the sixth Zionist Congress in Basel, in 1903, the president, Max Nordau, proclaimed: ‘Herzl knows that we stand before a tremendous upheaval of the whole world.’ [Litman Rosenthal, American Jewish News, September 19, 1919. Rosenthal, writing in reminiscence of his attendance at the 1903 conference, blatantly lays bare the eager Jewish anticipation of a world war, eleven years before the fact. Nordau’s speech continues “… let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionistic Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.” [Translator]] Good old Herzl! What an idealist! Our charmers and wizards were filled with awe at the thought of this noble patriarch. The scoundrel knew, however, what his filthy people had in mind for us!”

“But Herzl was a Zionist,” I interjected.

“He was a Jew!” he said, striking the table with his fist. “The word Jew says everything. There is no need for any further distinction! ‘God’s chosen people’ want to have their own ‘God’s country’ again. Catch that: ‘again’! God’s people and God’s country, neither of which, in reality, ever existed! Every portrayal ridicules for its depravity that general state of affairs which existed for some six hundred years in Palestine, till the Assyrians put an end to the mischief. Can you call that a country? Can’t one accept the Old Testament as the authority on the matter? First we read of the uninterrupted murders and plunderings of the other peoples of Palestine, which, naturally, took many years. Then right up to the last, with the most abominable vileness, one state of anarchy followed another. The pinnacle, the flowering, the glory of Jewish statesmanship, namely, King David, was such a rascal that even the unprecedented villainy of the letter condemning Uriah was not enough for him; on his deathbed he urged his son to murder his old war comrade, Joab.

“When Cyrus gave the Jews permission to return to Palestine (from their Babylonian ‘captivity’) the overwhelming majority ignored Zion and remained in immeasurably rich Babylonia. Completely content there, they continued their financial speculations and other activities.”

“In the year 1267,” I informed him, “there were only two Jewish residents in Jerusalem. Up to the World War, the number of Jews in all Palestine had grown to only 12,000, [Hauser, op. cit., pp. 484, 491.] even though they had been free to return there since ancient times and certainly weren’t lacking travel expenses. The remaining twenty or so millions — exactly how many is difficult to ascertain, since the Jews themselves do the counting — fatten themselves upon the sweat of others all over the world. It is hard to understand how tiny Palestine can hope to accommodate this enormous crowd.”

“That’s not necessary,” he retorted. “The point is that it is now official. Israel has remembered itself. Its chains are cast aside. The sun of a new God’s state rises over Zion. What an act! Finally liberated from bondage! Everyone is numbed with awe. The Jews grin.”

“They have already issued a resolution….” I wanted to continue.

“Yes indeed,” he cried, “if anywhere, this is where the cat jumps out of the bag! The resolution of the Pan-Jewish Conference of 1919, in Philadelphia!: ‘The Jews are citizens of the new Jewish state of Palestine, but at the same time they have complete rights of citizenship of whatever countries they choose to live in.’ One must read that non plus ultra of arrogance twice, indeed, a hundred times, in order to be sure one isn’t dreaming. Imagine instead: ‘The English are citizens of Great Britain. Each Englishman who chooses to live in Germany or France or Italy retains all his rights of English citizenship, but at the same time he has the complete rights of citizenship of the country in which he is living.’ Now ask yourself what a scream of indignation, not we or the French or the Italians, but the Jews themselves would raise if the English people had actually made such a resolution! The Pan-Jewish Congress, however, issued its resolution as categorically as a command.

“This assembly comprised representatives of all the Jews of the world, including the Zionists. Their intentions were, in short, that the Jews should stay where they were and that the new Zion should simply have the purpose, first, to strengthen their political backbone, second, to gratify their arrogance, and last but most important, to provide them a state where they could carry on their dirty business without fear of detection.

“I think we can form a pretty good idea of Jewish nationalism from this.”

“Okay. So they are neither national nor international,” I acknowledged. “What, then?”

“In terms of our customary concepts,” he shrugged, “it really can’t be defined. It is a rank growth over the whole earth, sometimes advancing slowly, sometimes leaping ahead in great bounds. Everywhere it sucks voraciously at the lifeblood of the planet. What was in the beginning a swollen abundance will become in the end nothing but dried-up sap. Zionism is the visible, surface aspect. It is connected underground to the rest of the monstrous growth.

“And nowhere is there to be found a trace of opposition to this thing.”

“One might say,” I laughed, “that the wolves have split themselves into two packs. It has been agreed that one of these shall abandon the land of the sheep in order to go live somewhere, quite among themselves, as pure vegetarians.”

“There is one thing above all of which we must always keep in mind,” he tendered, “one thing of which we must always remind ourselves: ‘Great masters of the lie’! One need only forget Schopenhauer’s words for an instant in order to begin slipping under the influence of their deceptions. To be sure, we also lie but, in the first place, not as a matter of habit and, in the second place, clumsily. Any really experienced judge of human nature is able to detect the lie of an Aryan, even a very shrewd one. Sherlock Holmes himself, however, would be at a loss when confronted with the Jewish cold-bloodedness in deception. A Jew is only embarrassed when he inadvertently blurts out the truth. If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth.”

“Indeed, Luther,” I replied, “said to the Jews: ‘You are not a German, but a deceiver, not a Frenchman, but a faker.’ [Martin Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen. Luther’s words are more poetic in German: “Du bist nicht ein Deutscher, sondern ein Täuscher; nicht ein Welcher, sondern ein Fälscher.” [Translator]] His synonym for Jew was ‘liar’!”

That’s what everyone who knows them says of them.” he rejoined, “from the Pharaohs up to Goethe and our time. It has been said in every dead and living language: in Greek, Latin, Persian, Turkish, English, French, or what have you. One would hope that these universal condemnations, throughout the whole world, would give our charmers and wizards at least a little to think about. God forbid! Not even Christ was able to reach them. He stood there among the cringing Jewish rabble, his eyes flashing, the very image of scorn, and his words fell among them like whiplashes: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44). But to our charmers and wizards that means no more than the unintelligible stammering of a child.”

“They delude themselves by believing that to be only a stern but well-meaning lecture of the Lord to his beloved people of Israel,” I underscored his irony.

“Christ,” he continued with a raised voice, “was never other than perfectly straightforward and frank. God, not to feel the fact that there two fundamentally different worlds opposed one another! In Palestine after the Babylonian captivity there was a great lower stratum of non-Jews ruled over by Jewish moneylenders, powerful through their usury. One can read that in the book of Nehemiah. Sombart says that it leaves absolutely nothing to be desired in the way of clarity. [Sombart, op. cit., p. 371.] The outstanding point is that the real population, composed of oppressed peasants, was of an entirely different race than the Hebrews. Gradually the Jews forced their religion on them. Christ himself growled about that: ‘Woe onto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye encompass sea and land to make one proselyte…’ (Matthew 23:15).To the Jews, Galilee was the land of the Gentiles, whose population ‘sat in darkness,’ as they impudently imagined (Matthew 4:15-16). They said: Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ and ‘Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet’ (John 1:46; 7:52). The Hebrews were so firmly convinced of the non-Jewish ancestry of Christ that they counted him among the especially hated Samaritans (John 7:48). We live and learn! There are many more such examples.”

One could hardly recommend a better policy than that which lets each man find salvation in his own fashion,” I stressed. “The tacit assumption in that policy, though, is that each man’s fashion should involve some sort of decent sentiment, some genuine belief, and not just a contemptible Phariseeism. This distinction should have been expressly emphasized long ago. It wasn’t, and the religion of the moneychanger has received the benefit of this misguided tolerance. Christ was not so tolerant. With a whip he put a stop to the business of the children of the devil, even though he had said, ‘Love your enemy’!”

“Yes,” he replied, “but we must understand what Christ meant by ‘enemy.’ We can love an honorable and decent enemy, even a brutal one, who is frank and forthright in his enmity. And at the same time we can beware of him. But Christ never dreamed that we should love men whom no love whatever could dissuade from their implacable determination to poison us, body and soul. Indeed, he himself did not do that. On the contrary, he continued to strike with his whip as hard as he could. And the words that he flung with indignation into the faces of the rabble breathed of irreconcilability itself. To me, he acted very proudly in the founding of his religion: there was very little contradiction between his sermons and his deeds! Why, then, have the ‘pious’ never followed his example? They least of all. They mercilessly persecute even their decent adversaries — as a matter of fact, only their decent adversaries. Their eyes remain closed to the most cunning bunch of swindlers in existence. The Bavarian People’s Party, for instance, knows quite well that we are defending the Christian foundations of our nation without mental reservations. They also know, however, that we can make no common cause with them as long as they adhere to their present policies. And so they turned to the Jews, hoping to remain in power with their help. They surprised themselves. Dripping with friendliness at first, the Jews turned on them murderously when they had gotten the upper hand.”

“That was inevitable,” I agreed with him. “Fortunately, the Jews would not be able to provide us with that same sort of dreadful experience, for we do not betray and murder our own flesh and blood for the sales of profit. So far as we are concerned, the Bavarian People’s party could even remain in office, provided they clean the manure out of they pigsty and perceive the correctness of our views. We are not willing to tear ourselves apart just for power. But we want Germanism, we want genuine Christianity, we want order and propriety, and we want these things so firmly established that our children and grandchildren can remain satisfied with them.”

“They consider that impossible,” he said, “and therefore they consider our program nothing but empty phrases, of no more sincerity than the empty phrases with which they consciously try to peddle themselves to the people. But our goals are not only possible, they are certain, even if we don’t attain them tomorrow. But first a beginning must be made. So far, never and nowhere has there been a truly social state. Everywhere and always the upper crust has leaned much more strongly to the principle, ‘what is yours, is mine,’ than to, ‘what is mine, is yours.’ These wise ones have only themselves to blame for the fact the lower stratum, full of rage, now is committing the same error. The Jew is able to take advantage of both these groups. One of them provides for his affairs, the other carries them out. Therefore, we oppose them both. We will put an end to unfair privileges as well as to slavery.”

“Decidedly,” I replied. “Our front stands against both left and right. A strange situation; from two directions we must ward off attackers who also fight one another. The Reds scream at us as reactionaries, and to the reactionaries we are Bolsheviks. From both sides the Jew directs the attack on us. The lower stratum doesn’t see him yet and, thus, hates us from sheer stupidity; the upper stratum sees him but thinks it can serve its own selfish purposes with him and thus, shoots us in the back more from unscrupulousness than stupidity. One really needs a good deal of faith under such circumstances in order to maintain one’s courage.”

“Which we have, God be thanked, in a hundred ways,” he said, laughing, as he stretched himself. “No words were spoken more directly to our hearts than ‘Be not afraid’! (Matthew 28:10) And that was supposed to have been said by a Jew? Those creatures of eternal fear? Crazy!”

“Every time new and promising opportunities for meddling have arisen,” he brought out, “the Jew has been immediately involved. He has demonstrated an uncanny ability to sniff out like a bloodhound anything which was dangerous to him. Having found it, he uses all his cunning to get at it, to divert it, to change its nature, or, at least, to deflect its point from its goal. Schopenhauer called the Jew ‘the dregs of mankind,’ ‘a beast,’ ‘the great master of the lie.’ How does the Jew respond? He establishes a Schopenhauer Society. Likewise, the Kant Society in his work, in spite of the fact that — or, rather, because — Kant summarily declared the Jewish people to be a ‘nation of swindlers.’ [Immanuel Kant, Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (Königsberg, 1798).] The same with the Goethe Society. ‘We tolerate no Jews among us,’ said Goethe. ‘Their religion permits them to rob non-Jews,’ he wrote. ‘This crafty race has one great principle: as long as order prevails, there is nothing to be gained,’ he continued. He categorically emphasized: ‘I refrain from all cooperation with Jews and their accomplices. [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre; Goethe, Das Jahrmarktfest zu Plundersweile; Goethe, Tag- und Jahresfeste; ibid.] All in vain; the Jewish Goethe Society is still there. It would be there even if he himself had expressly forbidden such knavery.”

“With exactly the same right,” I interjected, “the two of us could join a Talmud Society. What impudence that would require! Inconceivable.”

“Not to the Jew,” he replied. “To him impudence has no meaning. He is only able to think in terms of advantage or disadvantage, profit or loss. One must approach him with a different sort of measuring stick.”

“Our charmers and wizards,” I rejoined, “all fall for their trick. Goethe, Kant, Schopenhauer seem to be nothing but babblers to them.”

“Bah, Goethe!” he interrupted contemptuously. “Not even the saintly Thomas Aquinas is able to reach these people. The great father of the Church has described in his writings our relationship with the Jews in terms of a voyage on a ship. The Jews, embarked on the same vessel with the Christians, play a characteristic role: while the Christians are occupied with sailing the ship, the Jews plunder the storeroom and bore holes in the hull. St. Thomas recommends that they should be relieved of their booty and chained to the rudder. What an atrocity! How un-Christian! Poor Jews! One can learn so much from them! At least, according to Drs. Heim and Schweyer. And so the world goes on, governed with the same wisdom as in the time of Joseph’s Pharaoh.”

“Namely, by statesmen,” I completed, “who are so busy ruling that they completely fail to notice that not they but others actually rule; by men like Czar Nicholas [In the night of July 16-17, 1918, a squad of Bolshevik secret police murdered Russia’s last emperor, Tsar Nicholas II, along with his wife, Tsaritsa Alexandra, their 14-year-old son, Tsarevich Alexis, and their four daughters. They were cut down in a hail of gunfire in a half-cellar room of the Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg, a city in the Ural mountain region, where they were being held prisoner. The daughters were finished off with bayonets. To prevent a cult for the dead Tsar, the bodies were carted away to the countryside and hastily buried in a secret grave. Bolshevik authorities at first reported that the Romanov emperor had been shot after the discovery of a plot to liberate him. For some time the deaths of the Empress and the children were kept secret. Soviet historians claimed for many years that local Bolsheviks had acted on their own in carrying out the killings, and that Lenin, founder of the Soviet state, had nothing to do with the crime. In 1990, Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky announced the result of his detailed investigation into the murders. He unearthed the reminiscences of Lenin’s bodyguard, Alexei Akimov, who recounted how he personally delivered Lenin’s execution order to the telegraph office. The telegram was also signed by Soviet government chief Yakov Sverdlov. Akimov had saved the original telegraph tape as a record of the secret order. Radzinsky’s research confirmed what earlier evidence had already indicated. Leon Trotsky — one of Lenin’s closest colleagues — had revealed years earlier that Lenin and Sverdlov had together made the decision to put the Tsar and his family to death. […] [Mark Weber: The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime]], who indulged himself in the same self-deception and got a bullet in the head for it. As early as 1843 Disraeli gave us a hint of what we should expect there. ‘The mysterious Russian diplomacy is organized by Jews,’ he boasted. Also, ‘the mighty revolution which is in the making in Germany is evolving entirely under the leadership of Jews.'” [Benjamin Disraeli, Conningsby (London, 1844).]

“Most of our revolutions,” he said, “whether initially with desirable goals or not, have evolved under Jewish leadership. The revolutions of vulgar predisposition were, for the most part, the work of Jews; and those with loftier tendencies were soon subverted into a darker course by Jews. In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. That Schaul first chose the Roman-sounding name, Saulus, and then had himself renamed Paulus gives cause for thought. Still more, the fact that in the beginning he persecuted the fledgling Christian community with first-rate ferocity. I don’t know: mass murderers who later become saints is that not too much of a marvel? Indeed, the Jew Weininger supposed that Christ had also originally been a criminal. [Otto Weininger, Geschlecht und Charakter (Vienna and Leipzig, 1903).] But, my God, a Jew could say that a hundred times, and it still need not be true on that account.

“As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. ‘Go not … to the Gentiles, … But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,’ demanded Christ (Matthew 10:5-6). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his ‘Christianity.’ A ‘Christianity’ with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. ‘All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!’ And the Jew triumphed.”

“I always think,” I spun the thread further, “of the admirable Herr Levine in the Berliner Lokalanzeiger. [I.e., Berlin Advertiser, a Berlin Newspaper. [Translator]] He suddenly burst out one day, as if in rapture: only a Jew could have done that; could have, with Paul’s impudence, put himself in the middle of the Capitol and there expounded a doctrine which must bring about the utter ruin of the Roman Empire! That’s what the man said, word for word; I still remember it perfectly.”

“It certainly hits the nail on the head,” he rejoined. “It may be a long time yet before Christianity recovers from Paul. Oh, what gullible souls we are! A Jew murders hundreds of Christians; suddenly he notices that the rest only become even more zealous; the well-known light dawns on him; he pretends to be converted, throws himself into the great pose, and behold: even though he deviates in nearly all his doctrines from the other apostles, we listen devoutly to his sermons. The simple teachings of the Master, which the most childlike mind might comprehend, we must have ‘explained’ to us by a Hebrew.”

“The Jew,” I replied, “certainly must be tempted to say, ‘Why are you so stupid that you let everyone make fools of you?’ And there are many charmers and wizards who, on account of his extraordinary cunning, or ‘spirituality’ as they call it, look upon him with timid admiration.”

“If it depended on mere possessions,” he returned, “they would be justified. Someone named Goldstein once boasted that the Jews administer the spiritual property of the German people. [Moritz Goldstein, Kunstwart, March, 1912.] A pity that he didn’t add how they administer it.

“Well, let us be thankful that there will always be men who, for example, will read Goethe through the eyes of Goethe and not through the slimy spectacles of Goldstein. They may not be professors, but perhaps vagabonds of a sort. A breed, anyway, which will not become extinct and through which the original Goethe will be safely preserved. The Jews can then quietly ‘administer’ the new Goethe. It will not be begrudged them.” [One is reminded here of what has happened to Wagner in recent years. If Eckart could have foreseen how Wagner’s immortal operas would be someday perverted at Bayreuth, he would have been far more distressed than he was over Jewish “interpretations” of Goethe’s writing. [Translator]]

“Suppose, however,” I interjected anxiously, “the ‘vagabonds’ also listen credulously to them and fall into the trap?”

“It lies in the nature of the ‘vagabond,'” he laughed, “to have a heart so full that it matters not how his head happens to be persuaded; it will always be his heart that determines the outcome. They feel intuitively that which the clever, despite their understanding, are not able to see. And they preserve it. One may deceive their heads, but not even they have authority over their spirits.”

“And, you see,” he pounded on the table, “they alone are to be thanked that at least part of our Christian heritage, as well as our other cultural legacy, has survived administration by the Jews. Where are they? Where were they? Among high and low, among the kings and the soldiers, among the popes and the mendicant friars, among the learned and the illiterate, everywhere. But not among the nothing-but-rich; but not among the nothing-but-clever; but not among the greedy and the insatiable; but not among the Pöbelvolk. Here the Jew is at home. Whatever appears here in the way of spiritual possessions he matter-of-factly administers; it is his own. Just as everything was transformed into gold for King Midas, every deep and meaningful word is turned into filth at his touch. But for the others, for the…”

“Vagabonds of the spirit,” I threw to him.

“Everything remains as of old,” he nodded. “There have been popes of Jewish blood. [Anacletus II (1130-1138), Innocent II (1130-1143), Calixtus III (1168-1178), Clement Vlll (1424-1428), Alexander Vl (1492-1503), and even Pius Xl (1922-1939). In addition, Gregory Vl (1045-1046) and others may have been Jews or part-Jews. Anacletus Il, Calixtus III, and Clement VIII are generally classified as antipopes. [Translator]] Also there has seldom or never been a shortage of other dignitaries of the same descent in the Church. Was that which they stood for Catholicism? No, it was Judaism. Let’s take just one thing: the selling of indulgences. The very essence of the Jewish spirit. We are both Catholics, but dare we not say that? Are we really supposed to believe that there has never been anything in the Church with which one can find fault? Just because we are Catholics, we say it. That has nothing to do with Catholicism. We know that Catholicism would have remained intact even if half the hierarchy had consisted of Jews. A number of sincere men always held it high, though often only secretly, many times even against the pope. Sometimes there were many such men, sometimes few.

“The investigation of the Jew and his activities should have been the alpha and the omega of our historians. Instead, they investigate the bowel movements of the past.

“Karl the Great favored the Jews at every turn. It seems to me that his slaughter of the 4500 Saxons at Verden — the best German blood — and his Jewish advisers had something to do with one another.

“The notorious insanity of the Crusades bled the German people of six million men. Finally the Hohenstaufen, Frederick II, succeeded through mere negotiation, without striking a blow in securing the Holy Land for Christendom. What did the curia do? Full of hatred, they hurled the ban of excommunication on Frederick and refused to recognize his treaty with the sultan, thus neutralizing his great success. It seems that, to those pulling the strings, the incidental bloodletting was more important than the avowed objective of the Crusades.

“At last came the Children’s Crusade. Tens of thousands of children sent against the victorious Turkish army, all to be destroyed. I can’t believe that the idea for that absurdity originated in a non-Jewish mind. I am always reminded of the murder of the children of Bethlehem and the slaughter of the Egyptian firstborn. I would give anything for a photograph of the priest who preached that Crusade, and his flunkeys.

Giordano Bruno“Giordano Bruno [[…] He was born in 1550, was educated for a priest, became a Dominican friar. At last his reason revolted against the doctrine of transubstantiation. He could not believe that the entire Trinity was in a wafer, or in a swallow of wine. He could not believe that a man could devour the Creator of the universe by eating a piece of bread. This led him to investigate other dogmas of the Catholic Church, and in every direction he found the same contradictions and impossibilities supported, not by reason, but by faith. Those who loved their enemies threatened his life. He was obliged to flee from his native land, and he became a vagabond in nearly every nation of Europe. He declared that he fought, not what priests believed, but what they pretended to believe. He was driven from his native country because of his astronomical opinions. He had lost confidence in the Bible as a scientific work. He was in danger because he had discovered a truth. He fled to England. He gave some lectures at Oxford. He found that institution controlled by priests. He found that they were teaching nothing of importance — only the impossible and the hurtful. He called Oxford “the widow of true learning.” There were in England, at that time, two men who knew more than the rest of the world. Shakespeare was then alive. Bruno was driven from England. He was regarded as a dangerous man, — he had opinions, he inquired after reasons, he expressed confidence in facts. He fled to France. He was not allowed to remain in that country. He discussed things — that was enough. The church said, “move on.” He went to Germany. He was not a believer — he was an investigator. The Germans wanted believers: they regarded the whole Christian system as settled; they wanted witnesses; they wanted men who would assert. So he was driven from Germany. […] [Robert Green Ingersoll: Julian the Apostate and Giordano Bruno]] called the Jews ‘such a pestilential, leprous, and publicly dangerous race that they deserved to be rooted out and destroyed even before their birth.’ [Giordano Bruno, Spacio della Bestis Trionfante (1584).] This genial philosopher was burned at the stake. For his heresy? Opponents of the Church were swarming in Italy during his time, yet he, the most impartial of them, was seized.” [Image: Giordano Bruno (1550?-1600)]

“Well, how about now?” I interrupted him. “In Russia one Catholic priest after another is tortured to death by the Jewish beast; hundreds have already been liquidated; the Church is taking its last gasp; but Rome cannot bring herself to call the child by its real name. Many times she has made a small start in that direction — but only to be immediately squelched. Catholicism wants to speak; Jewry paralyzes its tongue.”

“Rome,” he replied, “will pull herself together, but only if we pull ourselves together first. And one day it can be said that the Church is whole again.”

“Since those who are responsible for the trouble will have been discovered!” I cried. “Since the disguised Hebrew, together with his cuckoo eggs, will have been thrown out of the Christian community! He has set not only the Egyptians but also the Christians against one another so that ‘they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor,’ and he is still at this game. He works from the outside, carefully building his pitfalls and making his destructive influence felt in the press. But he also works from the inside, where he is even more dangerous, in the mask of the Christian minister. The Christian confessions swarm with Jewish and half-Jewish clergymen, the Protestant denominations even more so than the Catholic. They already feel so sure of victory in the Protestant churches that in Dresden a certain Pastor Wallfisch had the impudence to announce publicly: ‘I am a Jew and will remain one; yes, now that I have learned the Christian beliefs I have become more than ever a true Israelite.’ [In his lecture in 1894, entitled Umpires of the Jewish Question.] And in Hamburg a preacher named Schwalb said: ‘I consider myself a genuine Jew and have always considered myself thus’. [In his farewell sermon in March, 1894.] Where that sort of thing is possible, Christianity might as well let itself be buried.

“Luther’s spirit seems to be completely played out among our Protestants. On the question of all questions, the Jewish question, they either hush him completely or try to tone him down. One of the most well meaning among their theologians, Professor Walther, calls Luther’s attitude toward the Jews ‘so offensive that it must arouse not only confused astonishment among Christians but also great indignation among Jews.’ Those Christians with a confused astonishment wouldn’t have found themselves in that state if they had not previously let themselves be confused by the Jews. And as for the great indignation of the Hebrews, we are not grieved a bit. Where, by the way, has that indignation been apparent? So far, Israel has been quiet as a mouse about it. They have always praised Luther greatly as the enemy of Rome. Heine began a ceremonious hymn of joy to the Reformer with the words, ‘Luther, you dear man.'”

“He had good reason,” he jeered. “All Jews have good reason to celebrate Luther and to ignore his anti-Semitism. Without intending to do so, he paved the way for them, and how! The more they extol his authority, the less the world notices his error. That he later cursed them as a pestilence is indeed bitter to them, but — how many people are even aware of his condemnation of the Jews.”

Nahum Goldmann“The Jew Goldmann,” I put in, “stated their reason plainly enough. ‘Luther has again brought the Old Testament to honor.'” [Nahum Goldmann, the well-known Russian Jewish Zionist who also had the unbelievable audacity to announce that the Jews “no longer recognize the right of any country to consider the question of the treatment of its Jewish population as an internal affair.”] [Image: Nahum Goldmann (1894-1982)]

“Instead of to dishonor,” was the reply. “His translation to the German language might have been of some use; as it is, it has grievously damaged the German power of discernment. Lord in heaven, what a halo now surrounds Satan’s ‘Bible’! Luther’s poetry sparkles so that even the incest of Lot’s daughters has been given a religious shimmer. Jehova’s command to be fruitful and multiply had to be obeyed by these two pious maidens — at any price!”

Schopenhauer expressed a similar opinion,” I confirmed. “He said that if one wants to understand the Old Testament one must read it in the Greek version. There it has an entirely different tone, an entirely different color, with no presentiment of Christianity! Contrasted with the Greek, Luther’s translation seems ‘pious’; also ‘often erroneous, indeed, sometimes intentionally, and delivered throughout in a churchly, edifying tone.’ Luther has permitted himself changes ‘which one could call forgeries’ and so on.” [Schopenhauer, loc. cit.]

“Not Luther,” he raised his finger. “The rabbis who helped him with the entire translation introduced changes and forgeries. Hebrew is a difficult language. Luther translated a certain word, for example, as ‘racial kinsman.’ But then the rabbi came in and said that the word means ‘neighbor.’ And so we have the translation: ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ rather than, as it should be: ‘Love thy racial kinsman as thyself.’ A small piece of cunning, but — it served its purpose of giving the Jews the aspect of real humanitarians.”

“Yes, even Luther was taken in by the ‘chosen people,'” I replied. “He looked upon the Old Testament as divine revelation. He approached the book with infatuation, convinced that it could contain nothing but sheer preciousness. Then he began wading into the vile thing. After a few steps he blinked his eyes, bewildered. He was stunned. That just couldn’t be so! It must have some other meaning! And so, with perfectly honest intentions, he read between the lines what simply wasn’t there. Everywhere he managed to see allusions to Christ, although nothing could be farther from the Jews’ actual thoughts on the matter. Their Messiah is no ‘lamb’s tail,’ Heine jeered at Christ, no scorner of earthly existence. [Heinrich Heine, in his poem “Disputation.”] On the contrary, their Messiah is a brutal dog who will conquer the earth for his Jews; he is the ‘prince of this world.’ Page after page it says: ‘Ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves,’ or ‘Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.’ One of these is a statement of a ‘divinely inspired’ prophet, the other a ‘deeply spiritual’ psalm (Isaiah 61:6, Psalms 2:8).

“Credulously, Luther viewed everything in a rosy light. This became easier for him when, in the middle of the great morass, he came to passages like: ‘Ye will have no permanent existence among the nations, and the soles of thy feet shall find no rest,’ and ‘Ye will be an abomination among all peoples.’ Compassion seized him. “The Jews,’ he thought to himself, ‘have become untrue to their godly doctrine, but they will again find their way home to it.’ It never occurred to him that these direly threatening sermons served only the purpose of holding the Jews to their course.

“On the other hand, many passages of apparently lofty stamp have quite a different purpose: namely, they serve as a protective cover. He later recognized this Jewish tactic, but only in the living Hebrews, not in their Bible. ‘The Jews desire to make all their affairs ambiguous, so that nothing about them is really certain,’ he said. If one belabors them for an especially low-minded passage, they can indignantly point at one which is dripping with loving kindness. Heine, for example, writes an utterly vulgar poem about Germany; five minutes later he is praising ‘the dear homeland’ to the skies. A matter of changing mood? Oh, dear God I suppose that we are to believe that an old street whore often finds herself in the mood to sing the ‘Ave Maria,’ or that a basically honest fellow is often in the mood to steal. What nonsense!”

Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza“No, you are right,” he said. “The Jew often plays the role of a benefactor only in order to accomplish his destructive aims without notice. It’s always been that way.

“This ambiguity,” I completed, “one finds even in Spinoza. One can hardly imagine a bolder, more outspoken world view than his; but his ethics would horrify a pig. ‘In all things seek that which is advantageous’ is the quintessence of his moral philosophy — the genuine Jewish viewpoint.” [Image: Baruch Spinoza, the greatest Jewish philosopher (1632-1677)]

“It is the most terrible tragedy,” he said sadly, “that Luther bears the responsibility for such a dire development — the consequence of deeds committed in perfect innocence — that today all civilization is in danger of running aground on it. The greatest German the unsuspecting cause of the German collapse; Luther, the mighty opponent of the Jews, the one who most disastrously paved the way for them — incomprehensible, I tell you, incomprehensible. To happen too late by a paltry ten or twenty years! To first become awake to the Jews shortly before his death, when everything had already been determined! [Martin Luther died in 1546. His two principal anti-Semitic writings, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen and Vom Schem Hamphoras, appeared in 1543. A philo-Semitic tract by him was written in 1523. The modern reader may refer to Walther Linden, Luthers Kampfschriften gegen das Judentum (Berlin, 1936), which contains the complete text of Von den Juden und ihren Lügen and extracts from Vom Schem Hamphoras; or to E.V. von Rudolf, Dr. Martin Luther Wider die Juden (Munich, 1940), which has extracts from both. [Translator]] Previously, body and soul for the traitors! Then the Hebrews had still been ‘cousins and brothers of our Lord’ to him, while we Christians were only ‘brother-in-law and strangers.’ Wringing his hands, he entreated the populace to associate with them in a ‘decent and proper’ manner. To him they were exalted above the Apostles! The late Erzberger couldn’t have carried on more absurdly. [Matthias Erzberger (1875-1922) was a left-wing member of the Catholic Center Party. A collaborator with the Jews and Social Democrats during World War I, he favored the Versailles Treaty and became German vice chancellor in 1919. He was executed for his treasonable activities by German patriots in 1921. [Translator]]

“Only not for an instant as sincerely,” I stopped him. “If Luther had been a contemporary of Erzberger, he wouldn’t have had to find out about the purpose of the Jewish hush-money first, in order to see through Judaism. As early as his student days he would have promptly leaped with both feet into the battle against the devil’s brood.”

“My God,” he immediately resumed, “one cannot blame him. A lot has happened in the last four hundred years. But there is one thing to remember: popular instinct was more alert then than nowadays. All along the line mistrust of the Jews was quite firm. Luther was a man of the people, the son of simple folk. His predilection of many years toward the Jews is a bit misleading; one must take into account a certain naivete, a lack of worldliness, the result of his stay in the cloister. The same rule seems to have applied here as elsewhere: too much studying ruined his vision. Nevertheless, Luther was a great man, a giant. With a shock which pierced the twilight he saw the Jews as we have only begun to see them today. But, unfortunately, too late, and even then not there, where he had done the most damage — in Christianity. Oh, had he only seen them there; had he only seen them in his youth! Then he would not have attacked Catholicism, but, rather, the Jews behind it! Instead of a wholesale condemnation of the Church, he would have let his whole, passionate impetus fall on the true villains. Instead of glorifying the Old Testament, he would have branded it as the arsenal of the Antichrist. And the Jew — the Jew would have stood there in his abominable nakedness, as an eternal warning. He would have been obliged to get out of the Church, out of society, out of the halls of the princes, out of the castles of the knights and the houses of the citizens. For Luther had the strength and the courage and the overpowering will. It would never have come to the splitting of the Church or to the war which, in accordance with the wishes of the Hebrews, spilled Aryan blood in torrents for thirty long years.”

“‘And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother and every one against his neighbor,'” he ground out. “What hatred, what demonic hatred! That’s not human; what is it?”

“That, my friend,” I joked, “is the ‘geniality of the heart’ of which the Jew, Fritz Kahn, has spoken, through which ‘Israel has become the ethical mother of mankind.’ These fellows are really quaint in their impudence. Kahn has called Moses ‘an almost unique phenomenon in the history of civilized peoples: a national hero without weapons.’ At the same time he reproves us with the remark that ‘on stormy nights the distressed wail of widows may be heard around the bronze heroes of our market places,’ that is, around the statues of Prince Eugene, Marshal Blucher and so on. I wonder what he thinks Moses used to massacre the Egyptian firstborn, if not weapons. Gumdrops, perhaps? Or were they smothered to death from sheer love? Apparently, we are to believe that the Pöbelvolk consisted entirely of baby sitters and wet nurses.

“Well, all these fellows operate the same way at least. They don’t even bother to deny anything; instead they flatly maintain exactly the opposite.”

“That tactic seems to work quite well with our men of learning,’ he growled. “The Jews say whatever they please; it is all gospel to our scholars. They wouldn’t think of trying to verify anything; the fact that it appears in print is enough for them. A certain Jewess called the Talmud ‘a grandiose, monumental work of the spirit,’ a ‘heroic monument of ideas, to which the millennia have given the breath of their experience.’ [Doris Wittner, Ostijudische Antlitz, No. 252 (1920).] Immediately upon encountering such a gem, the German professor whips out his notebook — and the next day his students have devoured and digested the new tidbit. That’s the way it goes in our gymnasia. They are all designed, so they say, to turn out nothing but geniuses; instead, one lackey after another is graduated.”

“A few hours spent browsing in the Talmud,” I proceeded, “is quite sufficient to remove any doubt about the Jews. It is understandable that they have only the most inordinate praise for the book. When they peep into it their own peculiar nature peers back out at them. And that, of course, is the greatest source of joy for them. Thus, in essence, every Jew is a Talmudist, even if he has never looked at the Talmud. It makes no difference when it was written; in fact, it needn’t have been written at all. The first Jew comprised all its essential ingredients. The Jewish leaders fully understand that, but they only say it metaphorically. ‘The Talmud is an unimpeachable authority,’ trumpeted the rabbi Dr. Gronemann, before a Hanover tribunal in 1894. ‘The legal doctrines of the Talmud have precedence,’ a Professor Cohen imperiously told a criminal court in Marburg in 1888. And he added — now pay attention to this! — that it applied also to non-believing Jews who, however, were nonetheless still a part of the Jewish community, ‘since they acknowledge the moral doctrines of the Talmud.’ A masterpiece! From time to time the fellows blurt out a real secret in their babbling, but we just don’t pay attention. ‘Whatever it is in the Talmud we acknowledge to have absolute precedence over the whole law of Moses,’ a group of so-called reformed Jews testified in Paris in 1860, with the concurrence of the Alliance Israelite. And a rabbi, Dr. Rahmer, has written in Pierer’s Encyclopaedia that the Schul Aruch, a kind of Talmud for home use, has been ‘taken on by the Israelitisch community as an authoritative guide for religious practice.’ Taken on? Such a wag! Pretty soon I’ll be ‘taking on’ the features of Dietrich Eckart.”

“Lord,” he said, “whoever doesn’t become sickened and nauseated upon making a closer acquaintance with the Talmud can put himself on display in a circus side show.”

“The local side show,” I remarked, “has certain limits on the degree of abnormality it will exhibit. The young student from Tubingen who could gulp down half-a-dozen toads with gusto has been its greatest attraction till now. No one, though, has a stomach capable of digesting even this one passage from the Talmud: “Rabbi Johanan said the penis of Rabbi Ishmael was as large as a six-kab [The kab is an ancient Hebrew unit of measure equivalent to about two quarts. [Translator]] wineskin; according to others, three kabs. The penis of Rabbi Papa was as large as one of the baskets of the inhabitants of Harpania.’ [Talmud, Baba Mecia, 84a. It is interesting to note that recent editions of the Talmud replace the word “penis” (männliches Glied in German) with “waist” (Körperumfang in German). The 1933 Berlin edition translated by Lazarus Goldschmidt, for example, claims in a footnote to this passage that the appearance of mannliches Glied in earlier editions was due to a “mistake” in translation. One only needs, however, to read the material adjacent to this passage, with its distinctly smutty character, to see that the original translation was no “mistake.” [Translator]] The high-minded competitive zeal of the three old rabbis could knock an unprepared person off his chair.”

“One finds a whole series of such pleasantries in this magnificent example of a religious book,” he said disgustedly. “The real clincher, however, is that non-Jewish girls ‘who are less than three years and one day old’ are considered ‘suitable’ for rabbis, since Moses had written: ‘But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves,’ namely, for the rabbis. [Talmud, Jabmuth, 606. The exact words of Goldschmidt’s 1931 Berlin Edition of Jabmuth are: “Es wird gelehrt: R. Simon b. Johaj sagte: Eine Proselytin unter drei Jahren und einem Tage ist für Priester tauglich, denn es heisst: und alle Kinder unter den Weibern, die die Beiwohnung eines Mannes nicht erkannt haben, lass für euch leben…” [Translator]]

“The most abominable perversity and the most tedious syllable-thrashing in the same breath. What goes on within Jewish heads must really be frightful.”

“They,” I returned, “are of a contrary opinion on that. Otherwise their mirror image, the Talmud, wouldn’t inform us that ‘the Israelites are more pleasing before God than the angels,’ [Talmud, Hulin, 91b. One really must take the trouble to look into the Talmud oneself, in order to believe the truly astounding things to be found therein. We have referred to Goldschmidt’s German translation, published by the Jüdischer Verlag (Berlin, 1930-1936), but the Talmud is also available in English (with the exception of a few of the more perverse passages) from the Soncino Press (London, 1935). [Translator]] or that ‘the world was created on behalf of the Israelites alone,’ or that ‘whoever slaps a Jew in the face has struck God himself,’ or that ‘the sun illuminates the earth and the rain makes it fertile only because Israelites live on it,’ and more of the same sort of modesty.”

“I really doubt that there is any sort of medical encyclopaedia which contains terms suitable for describing the Jewish megalomania,” he said. “But what an incredible talent they have for disguising it!”

“Their book Sirach,” I completed, “howls: ‘Terrify all peoples; lift your hand up against strangers, that they may see your power. The fire of wrath must burn them. Crush the heads of the princes, who are our enemies!’ (Sirach 36:2-12). And the Schulchan Aruch rages: ‘Pour out, oh Lord, your fury over the goyim, who do not know you, and over the kingdoms which do not invoke your name. Pursue them in wrath and extinguish them beneath God’s heaven!’ (Schulchan Aruch, Orach Gaijim, 480). They make the same threat in both places, with the distinction that the Schulchan Aruch emphasizes that all must be exterminated who do not swear on Jehova.”

“And with such an abominable moral doctrine on his conscience,” he began to boil, “that marvel of modern Jewry, Moses Mendelssohn, [Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) was a troll-like, hunchbacked, little Jew, originally a Talmudic scholar, who eventually displayed a vastly greater affinity for a fast buck than for the peculiar “wisdom” of the Talmud. Starting as a tutor in the house of a rich, Jewish silk merchant in Berlin, he soon became a partner in the business and amassed an enormous fortune. He was celebrated by his fellow Jews, as well as by a circle of Gentile admirers, however, as an extraordinarily pious and clever philosopher. [Translator]] had the impudence to assert that ‘dominion over the earth belongs by right to Jewry.’ Because of their religion! As a trained Talmudist he certainly knew his way around in the whole, vile thing — those extracts we have just quoted are only a tiny fraction — but he still … oh, this lying, this utterly mendacious pack, the very essence of the lie!”

“All Berlin,” I said, “buzzed with praise for the ‘wise’, for the ‘noble’ Moses. But Goethe wasn’t deceived: ‘Jewish trivia!’ was his comment on the pious trickery. It struck no one as odd that the incomparable Moses philosophized himself in the twinkling of an eye from a simple, private tutor to the powerfully wealthy founder of the banking house of Mendelssohn, thus avoiding by a wide detour the eye of the needle. This benefactor of mankind slyly promoted the idea that the Jewish people constitute a religious community only. Today this still constitutes a favorite nostrum of the Jews. A certain Dr. Ruppin has revealed why. ‘Special laws against the Jews,’ he tells us as he chuckles and rubs his hands together, ‘have always been directed against the religious aspects of Jewry, since this sphere of activity provided the only easily conceivable target for legislation. Anti-Semitism, has never really been inimicable to the Jewish religion, but has been indifferent to it.’ [Arthur Ruppin, Die Juden der Gegenwart (Berlin, 1904), p. 203 ff.] So! We now have an admission that their ‘religion’ serves a very useful diversionary purpose. Anyone, however, who has become acquainted with it has found out that what the Jews call their religion coincides exactly with their character.”

“That’s what they themselves say,” he said. “They are incessantly boasting, too, that their religion is such a masterful creation that it stands alone in the world. Then bring the Talmud forward! It contains the Jewish religion in its purest form — theology, dogmatics, morality, everything together in the same place. Why do they hold back the magnificent book so nervously, if indeed ‘the millennia have given the breath of its existence’ to it? As born benefactors of mankind they should have long since made it accessible to the general populace. Instead, it still hasn’t been completely translated, even today. And who in the devil has read what there is of it? One would think they are afraid some medieval church is still waiting to burn it for heresy.

“Some religion! This wallowing in filth, this hate, this malice, this arrogance, this hypocrisy, this pettifogging, this incitement to deceit and murder — is that a religion? Then there has never been anyone more religious than the devil himself. It is the Jewish essence, the Jewish character, period!”

“Luther,” I interjected, “expressed his opinion of it plainly enough. He urges us to burn the synagogues and Jewish schools and to heap earth on the remains ‘so that no man would ever again see one stone or cinder of them.’ God would forgive us for what we formerly had tolerated through our ignorance — ‘I hadn’t known it myself,’ he wrote — but now that we were aware of what went on, we dared not, at any price, protect these buildings ‘wherein they slander, curse, spit on, and revile both Christ and us.’ We could hardly speak more strongly ourselves. He also urged the destruction of their houses, for they carried on there the same way as in their schools. ‘Some may feel,’ he complained, ‘that my judgment is too harsh. It is, if anything, too lenient, for I have seen their writings.’ [Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen.]

“Our school inspectors apparently haven’t seen them, nor have our charmers or wizards.”

“Burning their synagogues, I am afraid, would have been of little avail,” he shrugged. “Even if there had never been a synagogue, a Jewish school, an Old Testament, or a Talmud, the Jewish spirit would still have been there and had its effect. It has always been there. Every Jew ever born has embodied it. And that is even more pronounced with the so-called enlightened Jews. Heine belonged, certainly, among the most enlightened, but he had just as much insane arrogance as the greasiest Galician kike. Moses Mendelssohn passed for a downright wonder of wisdom. Yet, lo and behold, he found it actually shocking that the Jews still didn’t have the dominion over the earth which was due them!”

[Hitler’s actual views on the “Jewish spirit” were considerably more nuanced than Eckart’s fictional dialogue suggests: “We use the term ‘Jewish race’ as a matter of convenience, for in reality and from the genetic point of view there is no such thing as the Jewish race. There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact, the term can be applied and the existence of which is admitted by the Jews themselves. It is the spiritually homogeneous group, to membership of which all Jews throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless of their whereabouts and of their country of domicile; and it is this group of human beings to which we give the title Jewish race. It is not, mark you, a religious entity, although the Hebrew religion serves them as a pretext to present themselves as such; nor indeed is it even a collection of groups, united by the bonds of a common religion.” “The Jewish race is first and foremost an abstract race of the mind. It has its origins, admittedly, in the Hebrew religion, and that religion, too, has had a certain influence in molding its general characteristics; for all that, however, it is in no sense of the word a purely religious entity, for it accepts on equal terms both the most determined atheists and the most sincere, practising believers. To all this must be added the bond that has been forged by centuries of persecution — though the Jews conveniently forget that it is they themselves who provoked these persecutions. Nor does Jewry possess the anthropological characteristics which would stamp them as a homogeneous race. It cannot, however, be denied that every Jew in the world has some drops of purely Jewish blood in him. Were this not so, it would be impossible to explain the presence of certain physical characteristics which are permanently common to all Jews from the ghetto of Warsaw to the bazaars of Morocco — the offensive nose, the cruel vicious nostrils and so on.” “A race of the mind is something more solid, more durable than just a race, pure and simple. Transplant a German to the United States and you turn him into an American. But the Jew remains a Jew wherever he goes, a creature which no environment can assimilate. It is the characteristic make-up of his race which renders him impervious to the processes of assimilation. And there in a nutshell is the proof of the superiority of the mind over the flesh!” (Hitler-Bormann Documents, February 13, 1945) [Irmin]]

“From long years of experience,” I brought out, “Dostoevski depicted the hair-raising conceit of the Russian Jew. [Feodor Dostoevski, An Author’s Diary, (1876-1880). Dostoevski spent five years in a Siberian prison camp at Omsk (1849-1854). [Translator]] For a long time he lived with all kinds of convicts, including several Jews, sleeping on the same wooden bunks with them. Everyone treated these Jews in a friendly manner, he reported, not even taking offense at their raving-mad manner of praying. Probably their own religion had once been like that, thought the Russians to themselves, and they quietly let the Jews do as they pleased. But, on the other hand, the Jews haughtily rejected the Russians, didn’t want to eat with them, and looked down on them. And where was this? In a Siberian prison! All over Russia Dostoevski found this antipathy and loathing of the Jews for the natives. Nowhere, however, did the Russian people resent their behavior, indulgently believing it to be a part of the Jewish religion.” [Image: Feodor Dostoevski (1821-81)]

“Yes, indeed, and what a religion!” he said scornfully. “It is the character of a people which determines the nature of their religion, not the other way around.”

“Dostoevski,” I continued, “was compassion itself but, like Christ, he took exception to the Jews. With foreboding, he asked what would happen in Russia if ever the Jews should get the upper hand there. Would they even approximately give the natives the same rights they themselves enjoyed? Would they likewise allow them to pray in the manner they wished or would they not simply make slaves of them? Still worse, ‘wouldn’t they skin and fleece them?’ Wouldn’t they even exterminate them, as they had so often done with other peoples in their history?”

“Ah, could our workers but share his forebodings, particularly those who hope for salvation from the Soviets!” he cried. “Famine, mass graves, slavery, Jewish whips. Whoever goes on strike is hanged. ‘Come hither, all ye who are weary and heavy laden.’ How they whistle, the dogs! And how fine that sounds, in front of the curtain! Behind it, however, lurk the pampered ‘Pöbelvolk’ the Red Army, the dregs of non-Jewish humanity.”

“The toll of Russians sacrificed since the beginning of Bolshevik domination is estimated by the authorities at about thirty million,” I answered. “Those who weren’t summarily executed fell to famine and disease. Were they all bourgeois? Only an imbecile could believe that. Who among us then has the most to suffer? The thousands who every day stand for long hours at their various occupations. Capitalists are hardly a majority among them. But that hasn’t dawned on our workers. In their eagerness to be the masters, they let themselves be led about by the nose like children.

“Ebert [Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925) was the Marxist leader of the Social Democrats. He collaborated with other traitors to bring about the German collapse of 1918 and became Reichspräsident under the new regime, in 1919. [Translator]] has thundered against capitalism his whole life. Now he is president. And? At every street corner banks sprout from the ground like mushrooms. That is certainly a fact. Everyone sees it. Anyone can reach out and touch it. But does that lead anyone to smell a rat? Not on your life!

“The first thing the Jew Eisner [Kurt Eisner (1867-1919) was a Jewish journalist politician and Marxist leader in Bavaria. A principal organizer of the 1918 revolution (Dolchstoss), he became first president of the Bavarian republic. He was executed by a German patriot in 1919. [Translator]] did after the revolution was have the banks guarded by the army. Capitalists smuggled their enormous hordes of money out of the country for months, and he didn’t raise a finger to stop them. He felt it was more important to travel to the Socialist Congress in Switzerland and there place the entire guilt for the world war on Germany. Do penance, he said, and the French will forgivingly clasp you to their hearts. Quite likely! Experience has gloriously confirmed it.”

“The same Eisner,” he nodded, “who, at the beginning of the war, sent a flood of telegrams to the other Social Democrat leaders, entreating them to remain true to the Kaiser. A disgraceful stab in the back must be avoided at all costs, said he. It went like that until the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. [The treaty of March 3, 1918, ending hostilities between Germany and Russia, was signed at Brest Litovsk. [Translator]] Up till then all German Jews were inspired monarchists. But then came the about-face. The Moor had done his duty and crushed Czarist Russia; now for him to crush himself. The rest is silence. Visible to all eyes, the Jew also made his bid in Germany.

“Oh, workers! To let yourselves be thus deceived! Things are different than which innocents let themselves dream. The Communist Party in Germany still has fewer than a quarter of a million members; yet it owns over fifty newspapers. What that costs is simply incalculable. Millions. Who pays these enormous sums? We National Socialists have our hands full just keeping our one Beobachter [The Völkischer Beobachter was the official NSDAP newspaper, from December, 1920, on. [Translator]] going. If we had an arrangement with the Jews, we would have a prodigious number of party newspapers in an instant. Are there comrades who doubt that? I’d like to meet one. And, look here, this is the incredible thing: they know that the Jews are secretly behind things, but they act as if it weren’t so at all. Is that honest? Can that lead to a happy outcome? To rush to destruction unsuspectingly is one thing, but to do it knowingly and to single out one’s grimmest enemy as an accomplice is another.”

“I’d like to know,” I remarked, “what the comrades would say if one proved to them in black and white that the Junkers or the big industrialists have had a secret moral philosophy of the most abominable sort since the time ‘x’. Their rage would be unimaginable. ‘Aha!’ everyone would roar. ‘With principles like that it is no wonder the devils torment us so! Imagine that! How can anyone be that mean and vile? The whole bunch of them should be exterminated!’ They would carry on like that, as if possessed, and rightly so. But, on the other hand, when one shows them that the Jews have, in their official religious books, the most hair-raising statements about the plundering and murder of all Gentiles, it makes no difference at all to them. They either dispute it or, when that seems hopeless, say that most Jews haven’t been that religious for a long time and don’t concern themselves with that stuff anymore. It never occurs to them that the Jewish character is the source of their vile literature.”

“But this,” he said, “tops it all: all — and I mean all — social injustices of any significance in the world today can be traced back to the subterranean influence of the Jews. The workers seek, therefore, to eliminate with the help of the Jews those evils which none other than the Jews themselves have consciously and deliberately established. One can imagine what kind of help they will receive.”

“Behold the modest Joseph!” I rejoined. “His influence on the Pharaoh caused the Egyptians dreadful distress, from which they later thought they would free themselves with the help of Moses. I must admit that the episode does not lack a certain grim humor.”

“The truth,” he said, “is, indeed, as you once wrote: one can only understand the Jew when one knows what his ultimate goal is. And that goal is, beyond world domination, the annihilation of the world. He must wear down all the rest of mankind, he persuades himself, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. He has made himself believe that only he is capable of this great task, and, considering his ideas of paradise, that is certainly so. But one sees, if only in the means which he employs, that he is secretly driven to something else. While he pretends to himself to be elevating mankind, he torments men to despair, to madness, to ruin. If a halt is not ordered, he will destroy all men. His nature compels him to that goal, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself. There is no other way for him; he must act thus. This realization of the unconditional dependence of his own existence upon that of his victims appears to me to be the main cause for his hatred. To be obliged to try and annihilate us with all his might, but at the same time to suspect that that must lead inevitably to his own ruin — therein lies, if you will, the tragedy of Lucifer.”

Here the notes of Dietrich Eckart break off.


Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin

A New Dawn: Internet Fascism Rises

The Truth

A New Dawn: Internet Fascism Rises

There is a new movement emerging from the flaming wreckage of the alleged “Truth Movement.” After having been led through a maze of dribbling and morbid gibberish by the likes of Alex Jones, David Icke, Webster Tarpley, Adam Kokesh, Mike Rivero, Alan Watt, the Loose Change Jews, the We Are Change Jews and the rest of the endless mob of degenerate liars who claim to speak the truth for the sole purpose of leeching money from the masses of good-hearted but confused people of the world while serving their Jew masters, a group of people has begun to emerge on the other side of the search for truth.

We have found the truth.  We have found the light.  We have found Adolf Hitler.

And we are the future.

Total Fascism is a new site, but we adhere to an old idea: that all severe social, political and economic turmoil stems from the International Jew, and that the solution to this is to rise up with bold words and inspire fervent nationalism as a defense against this evil infestation.

We, as others on the web, also differ from the various “Neo-Nazi” movements, who are in large part made up of drunken idiots, who appear to lump the blacks and Arabs – two groups with which we share a common enemy – with the Jew, and thus destroy any real chance we have of presenting a unified global front against this international plot against all people.  Most of these groups appear to be founded and run by Jews.

Today, I would like to go through and give a nod of appreciation to those who other heroes who fight on the front lines beside us.

Note that this is a limited list, I am simply listing off a few of the sites that I am presently keeping up with.  I plan to do more of these lists in the future, as one of the goals of this site is to encourage cooperation and unity in our emerging movement.

Zion Crime Factory

ZCF has thoroughly annihilated  the sickening lies of the Holohoax confirmer, Hitler denier and general Jew-lover Alex Jones.

ZCF has thoroughly annihilated the sickening lies of the Holohoax confirmer, Hitler denier and general Jew-lover Alex Jones.

ZCF is certainly on the front lines.  His essays and articles are among the best and most honest and directly worded Hitler confirmation and Holocaust denial on the internet.  He is inspiring thousands of (mostly young, white) people to reconsider their anti-Hitler brainwashing, and has gone straight for the throat of Alex Jones, putting together such a fantastic response to the lies he tells that any person who reads it could never take him seriously again, even if they tried.

I also appreciate that he is not totally serious all the time, and will take the time to have a laugh and stir up some drama with some of the shills out there feeding people misinformation.  This is not to say that calling out the shills is not serious business, but he tends to do this with a dry humor that is very entertaining.  This is heavy material we deal with, and we must remember not to be too serious, or we may go insane.

Jewish Problem

One thing I really like about JP is the author's solidarity with all people's who are suffering under brutal Jewish oppression.

One thing I really like about JP is the author’s solidarity with all people’s who are suffering under brutal Jewish oppression.

This is a site that most certainly holds nothing back.  It is very enjoyable to read, and is written with inspiring passion.  The author is quite devoted, sometimes making more than five posts a day.  He recently published a reader’s letter, where his site was compared to Der Stürmer, and I would have to concur with this sentiment.

I greatly appreciate the way he addresses the race issue, acknowledging that the races have a right to live separately, but also showing respect and compassion for the people of other races suffering under what he refers to as “brutal Jewish occupation.”

The one criticism I have of this site is that it could in fact be too hardcore.  I do not think, at this juncture, it is advisable to have our movement associated with what will inevitably be deemed “terrorist acts,” and it seems that JP could be coming a little bit too close to what could be perceived as “promoting terrorism”;  I hope he doesn’t run into any legal troubles over this. Nonetheless, I respect the fact that he is using an approach which he believes to be appropriate in his writings.

We were very honored to get a link on JP today, though I feel “where no Jew will be left alive” could be slightly too extreme.  I believe the cult of Judaism needs to be made illegal, but I think Adolf Hitler’s solution of interning Jews in camps is the most valid way of dealing with the Jewish problem, lest we take on the barbarism of our enemies.  I also think mass sterilization is worthy of consideration though.

John Friend

I hereby nominate John Friend as the Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment of the Forth Reich.

I hereby nominate John Friend as the Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment of the Forth Reich.

I recently wrote a piece about John Friend, dealing with a series of interviews he did investigating British Israelism.  He is an intelligent and compassionate man, and his articles are consistently of the highest quality.  His radio show with the Truth Militia guys is excellent, and I am hoping it gets bumped up to more than once a week.

I have not a single bad word to say about John Friend.  When we take back America through Fascist revolution, he must be put in charge of something very important.

Carolyn Yeager

Hanna Reitsch was a strong and yet still feminine German woman, who I learned about from Carolyn Yeager.

Hanna Reitsch was a strong and yet still feminine German woman who I learned about from Carolyn Yeager.

One of two brave females in the rising Holocaust Denial/Hitler confirmation movement, Carolyn Yeager has some of the most in-depth articles available, giving detailed analysis of specific lies told by the alleged “survivors” of the hoax, as well as critiques of the official Jewish party line regarding the eternal hero, inspiration and spiritual figurehead of our people, Adolf Hitler.

Proving that strength and intelligence and femininity are in no way incompatible, she is a real woman who cares about the things that nature has designed women to care about: children and family.  She has a specific section on her site devoted to these topics.  We must remember that it is only the Jews who forced this degrading and unnatural concept of feminism on the white race.

Along with her personal page, she has a site specifically devoted to crushing the most infamous holo-hoaxer of all, Elie Wiesel, where she exposes this filthy rat’s lies in much more detail than is at all necessary.  She also has a radio show, The Heretics’ Hour, on The White Network.  Her strength is surely her writing, but the show is endearing, and I encourage people to check it out.  She often has some very funny people on there.

Truth Militia

It is the working man and his family that are the heart and soul of any society.

It is the working man and his family that are the heart and soul of any society.

Among my present favorite two hours of radio is Truth Militia with Rich and Keith.  Though I don’t agree with everything they say – I feel they could be a little bit too hard on black people, who have gotten just as bad a deal from the Jews as we have – they are real and sharp and open to new ideas.  I particularly appreciate the populist approach, and their attacks on the present state of the alternative movement, which they accurately depict as wholly disconnected from the core population.

The old “patriot” capitalist free-market movement is totally useless to anyone who is of any use; intellectual conservationism is a joke; who the free market message of the likes of Alex Jones is even designed to cater to is completely unclear. Rich and Keith correctly identify the whites who sympathize with the capitalist message as having taken on the Jewish ideology of using money to exploit other people.  What we need is what Hitler had, which was a populist movement of workers in solidarity with an intellectual class which is loyal to the ideals of unity in society.  There is nothing more disgusting to me than seeing the likes of Jones defend the millionaire upper middle class of America, who have made their millions off of the blood, sweat and tears of the working man.

The old “free market conservative capitalism” model of American patriotism clearly needs to be trashed completely, replaced with a socialist model which speaks directly to the core of American society, which is the working man.  I feel that Rich and Keith are headed in exactly the right direction.

John Friend does his show under the Truth Militia banner as well, and they have recently added a guy named Dana whose show I listened to recently and agreed with basically everything he said (except his not wanting to use the swastika; I want swastikas and gigantic posters of Hitler everywhere – though I believe we could create our own flag, and probably shouldn’t be wearing SS uniforms in the streets; at least not yet).


Prothink is against all the same things we are.

Prothink is against all the same things we are.

Mike Delaney has been putting out information for probably a decade, and has refined his approach over the years.  Though I have had some disagreements with various people he worked with in the past, at present there is very little which I would disagree with him on.  He is running a network of sites which includes ZCF and Jewish Problem, as well as his own site. On top of this, he’s put up a comprehensive video archive site at, which features many videos which have been banned from youtube, and produced the now classic film exposing Jewish involvement in the September 11th attacks, 9/11: Missing Links.

He recently produced a short video dissecting the stats of the various anti-Jewish websites based on Alexa rankings which I found very interesting.  Particularly interesting were the very high stats of the Jewish Anti-Jew, Brother Nathanial.  I thought Mike’s comments on his popularity were very good: he said that people have a psychological malfunction where they feel they need Jewish permission to criticize Jews, and I have witnessed this myself, with many white people who start to criticize Jews pointing to “Jews Against Zionism” or some other seemingly reasonable Jewish group as if to alleviate their own guilt.  This is disgusting, and should stop.  This is a race which is sucking our blood, and we don’t need their permission to stand up for ourselves.

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani

Why is his show on so early in the morning?

Why is his show on so early in the morning?

Before two days ago, the last time I had heard Charles Giuliani was probably six or seven years ago, back when he was on RBN.  At that time, he was mainly talking about “Zionists”, doing something comparable to what Darryl Smith does, except with a much less annoying voice.  So even though I’d heard a lot about his Oracle show recently, I hadn’t bothered to listen to him (most of the shows on that network are completely useless, so I don’t pass through that way very often).  Sunday, he was on John Friend’s Truth Militia broadcast, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was much more hardcore than I had remembered, realistic and serious about the race issue.  He also had some very provocative thoughts about ancient history, something that I’m personally very interested in.

His take on religion I am totally sympathetic with, and it was fascinating to listen to.  I personally do not have any ties to Christianity, but also find this evolutionist perspective to be ridiculous and stupid, having about as much scientific evidence supporting it as a man with a beard making us from clay.  I find that a lot of people in this movement share this perspective, which probably indicates something positive.

Deanna Spingola

Deanna has written some very long books.

Deanna has written some very long books.

The second of the two anti-Jew and pro-Hitler female internet activists I am aware of is Deanna Spingola.  She has a show on RBN, and is the only person on this list who is on one of the two big “patriot” networks.  She will probably get kicked off eventually, regrettably, because she so hardcore.

She has a very kind and engaging interview style, and is highly intelligent.  My one criticism is that she appears to be sucked in to some of the mainstream Alex Jones-style goofy propaganda, as I have heard her mention a belief in “chemtrails” and some of the other silly and unfounded beliefs of the cartoonish mainstream “conspiracy theorists.”

I have not read her books, but the essays on her site are well written and very well sourced, so I’d imagine the books are the same.

Coming Together

There are issues I have with some of these people, some of which I mentioned, but they are ultimately frivolous complaints in the face of the overall level of agreement.  It is imperative that anyone who agrees with us on the issue that we are a distinct people, with a distinct heritage and a right to exist, and that our eternal enemy is the Jew, must necessary be an ally.

I personally believe that this principle applies to all peoples of all nations, not just the white nations, and this is a view that I hope will catch on with other people in this movement.  I fully understand that when you first realize that you are a race, with a heritage and an identity, and that you are under the threat of extinction, that it is difficult to not to go into complete reactionary mode and desire simply to support the interests of your own people.  However, it is in the interests of our people to ally with those of other races who also have a desire to free themselves from the yolk of the international Jewish masters of the world.  I support nationalism and pride for all peoples, for we all have distinct and meaningful heritages.

Despite the petty differences, it is clear that a new movement is well underway, which disregards not only the nonsense of the mainstream Jewish-dominated culture, but also the nonsense that we have been fed by the alternative media.  This list attests to the fact that this movement is wholly organic in nature.  Everyone I have mentioned here is a completely real person, devoted to a cause not for money, but for the sake of justice and the honor of our people.

Fascism is the obvious place for anyone who sets off on the journey for truth to end up.

Hail Victory.


A New Dawn: Internet Fascism Rises

Three Models of the Jewish Problem

The Jewish Question

Three Models of the Jewish Problem
A Comparison

Speech given by Knud Eriksen at Revisionist Conference May 26-27, 2007, Hillsboro, West Virginia

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am honored to have been included among such distinguished speakers. I am Danish and I live in Denmark. I’m trained as a lawyer, although I am not practising as such at the moment. I have been interested in history for many years. Obviously true history, meaning revisionism. My name, as mentioned in the program is Knud Eriksen. “Knud” is spelled with a “D” and not as done in the programme, with a “T”, which is the Swedish equivalent. But you might call me “Ken”. That worked fine last night down at the “Stumblin’ Inn”, where I made some good friends, under that name, and it worked fine, when I hitchhiked around Europe as a young man. Especially the French mutilated my name so badly that I couldn’t live with it. They called me something like “Gny”. Well, I could probably be called many things, but not a holocaust revisionist, as I don’t deserve that, knowing so little about it. All I have said publicly on that subject has been to quote one or two revisionists and to air some skepticism about Jewish statistics. Of course that has been sufficient for the leader of the Danish Jews to label me a “Holocaust-denier”, even the first one on his list. But that must again be something about my name, and not my accomplishments, since my family name “Eriksen” is early in the alphabet. Certainly I am skeptical about Jewish statistics, which I find to be a wild subject, where millions appear and disappear. Figures from Jewish sources – always Jewish sources! – may show more Jews alive after World War II, after 6 millions had disappeared, and maybe then some Jewish rabbis have put an extra “0” in there, so that 6 millions should really be 600.000, as some revisionist research indicates. On the other hand a total of perhaps 20 million Jews in the world today, has possibly forgotten a “0”, so that the real figure should be 200 million Jews in the world. At least that would explain why they seem to be everywhere!

With such skepticism I feel, that I am in good company, since Mark Twain, when presented with the figure of how many Jews lived in the United States then, said:

“You will say that the Jew is everywhere numerically feeble. When I read in the Cyclopedia Britannica that the Jewish population in the United States was 250,000 I wrote the editor and explained to him that I was personally acquainted with more Jews than that, and that his figures were without a doubt a misprint for 25,000,000 ……”

If he could correct two zeros, I suppose I am on the safe side if I question one zero.

“But what does a Dane come all the way to America to tell us about at a Revisionist Conference?” Many of You must wonder. Well, I wondered a lot myself, to be honest. Should I talk about the Mohammed cartoons that put Denmark on the map for many who had until then thought, that we were the capital of Sweden, or should I talk about how Denmark has been used repeatedly in Zionist causes, lately as Mr. Bush’s lapdog in Iraq. Or should I talk about the draconian “hatelaws” of the European Union, where little Denmark still holds out with at least some freedom of speech or might you be interested in how Denmark is said to be almost as unique as the Holocaust itself, by saving the Danish Jews from the Holocaust during The second World War, as Jewish organizations celebrate and promote again and again. Well, I thought I could best talk interestingly about that which interests me the most.

Therefore I have chosen to talk about “The Worlds Foremost Problem” as it was called by Henry Ford in his newspaper “The Dearborn Independent”. It is a sad subject, and I will not embellish it. Also I will have to stick rather mechanically to my manuscript, as my English is not good enough for me to improvise.

So when I want to analyze what has today been rather uniformly termed ”The Jewish Question” or ”The Jewish Problem” I obviously do not pretend to have a full explanation of it – and certainly not a guaranteed, workable solution to it. But I do think, that my considerations over the years could be of help in seeing better what we are up against, and how we ought to proceed, if we really want relief from the problem at some point in the future, as opposed to just putting labels on bad human conditions, which we basically believe to always remain with us, or to pointing fingers at scapegoats.

As non-Jewish societies have had trouble with the Jews living amongst them since we first heard of Jews more than two thousand years ago, to the point where these Jews have been persecuted, murdered and expelled, from country after country, it must be reasonable to state, that there has, indeed, been a problem. Seen from the side of the Jews, this has been called hate of Jews, anti-Semitism and persecution. Seen from the side of non-Jews, it has been described repeatedly as domination, disloyalty, treason, hatred, usury, criminality, immorality, perversion and destruction of non-Jewish values and societies, and creating a Jewish state inside non-Jewish states.

Most leading Jews today see, or at least profess to see – the problem as an irrationality amongst non-Jews, actually a mental illness, stemming all the way back from early Christian times, where the main complaint against the Jews was said to be, that they were the power behind the crucifixion of Christ, or, since the problem in reality reaches much further back, it is supposed to be a mental illness inexplicably existing in all non-Jews. The leading Jews today, being spokesmen and directors of powerful Jewish groups and organizations in the USA and elsewhere in the world, apparently believe, that indoctrinating the masses today through mass-media, and inducing a guilt complex in westerners for their collective guilt in the alleged killing of six million Jews in the last Great War, will protect them from the effects of this apparently incurable mental illness in non-Jews, if they also arrange to jail, murder or otherwise destroy the most “incurable” opposition leaders, the ringleaders of this so-called anti-Semitism. This is called by themselves: “teaching the public and combating racism”.

From the other side, our side, the non-Jewish side, the problem is seen in different ways, and I will try to go into that in this talk.

First of all, many have said and will say today, that there is no Jewish problem per se, (that is: by itself), but only a gigantic 20th – and now 21st Century problem for all of humanity. We are all in the same boat, or on this same globe, which we can today wipe out in a split second through atomic bombs or other so-called weapons of mass destruction, and we are all responsible for letting a problem grow to such life-threatening proportions, without being able to solve it. It was also the viewpoint of the author of the book The Zionist Factor, Ivor Benson, and it was the viewpoint of former Times correspondent and author, Douglas Reed before him, as expressed in his most famous book, The Controversy of Zion – a book, I have placed on the internet, and if I have done nothing else of value, I consider this one simple action to be very important and valuable, and I hope Douglas Reed is pleased with it, wherever he might be in the universe today. I subscribe to the viewpoint just mentioned, that we are all responsible, and therefore value very much individuals, such as Douglas Reed and Ivor Benson, and now also David Duke, who want to awaken Western man to his own responsibility in the matter, while describing and drawing attention to the Jewish and Zionist factor, and therefore I also value this important organization, National Alliance, with its leaders and members, because it wants to do the same.

It is not fair – also not workable – to put all the blame on Jews, for a “Jewish problem”, for that is not correct, since the problem had not grown to such proportions if we had been awake and aware, and just as importantly: that explanation does not empower ourselves. We Westerners need to wake up and become empowered. To take responsibility for our own past, present and future. And in so far as a specific Jewish blame or role is isolated and postulated by me, I want to make it very clear right now, that I do not blame all Jews for the state of the affair. “Let the chips fall where they may”, is the principle I follow here, quoting David Duke, who’s definition of “Jewish Supremacists” I will be referring to, when I say “Jews”.

An analysis will give better understanding, if it is at all an analysis worthy of that name, and if it is a good one, it is likely to bring action as well, because it unblocks the – sometimes hidden – reasons for inaction.

I will take a closer look at what could be called three different models or explanations of the Jewish problem – or Jewish question, as seen from our side, the people of the West, who have had to live with it for so many centuries.

I will discuss the models, their value as an explanation of “The Jewish Problem”, and compare them with a view also to how they might point in the direction of a workable solution. Whether the Jews are considered a nation, a people, a race or just individuals adhering to a religion, Judaism, I think it is permissible and sufficient for the purpose of this discussion to view them as a group, with a core of persons, devoted to a cause, to some rituals and to fellow-Jews, and an outer group with varying lesser degrees of attachment to the cause, the fellow-Jews and the rituals and philosophy of Judaism.

1) The first model is The Jewish Conspiracy to rule and enslave the world.

2) The second model is The survival method of a minority Jewish community amongst non-Jewish societies.

3) The third model is Mental states and shortcomings in Jews and non-Jews which need to be understood and improved, whether they are genetically based or not.

For short let me call them

  1. “Conspiracy to Enslave”,
  2. “Survival of the Fittest” and
  3. “Mental Illness”.

Authors, who have dealt with the question through the last hundred years usually touch on all three models, maybe without stating them as such, but then choose one of them as the best. Over time one may revise his viewpoint on the problem, but it probably remains within this framework

I let the three models be represented or personified by three men whose lectures I have listened to or read a lot. Maybe the three men, if brought together, would not themselves agree that they could be compared, especially in this matter, but for my purpose of comparing the three models of ”The Jewish Problem”, I find it relevant to do so.

The first person (representing or personifying the ”Jewish Conspiracy Model”), is Douglas Reed, the former British foreign correspondent of The London Times and author of – among several other books – the now famous book The Controversy of Zion. He saw himself as a traveler and discoverer in the political realm.

The second person is David Duke (representing or personifying the ”Survival Method Model”). He is well known as a politician, world famous activist for rights of European mankind, and author of My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism. He sees himself mainly as a discoverer and missionary in the social and racial realm.

The third person, (representing or personifying the ”Mental State Model”) will be less obvious. It is L. Ron Hubbard. He saw himself as an explorer of the mind and soul of man. He was the founder of the Scientology movement and author of many books on mental states and mental self-improvement.

You, sitting here, may also think that those three persons are a strange mix, but let us have a closer look at them, at what they each say or said. Of course Reed and Hubbard are no longer with us. Reed died in 1976, Hubbard in 1986, and David Duke is very much alive. Ron Hubbard also, by the way, never mentioned Jews and a Jewish problem as such – but I see his philosophy and mental techniques as very relevant to the problem. Deception and hidden hostility are central Jewish Supremacist traits and also something, Hubbard had many observations and techniques about. These traits were central characteristics of, for instance, the secret Jews, “marranos” of Middle Age Spain, where the Inquisition was the direct reaction, also the central characteristics of the personalities, techniques and activities of Jewish Communism, where the Second World War was the reaction, and particularly the Jewish holocaust. Hubbard, most importantly, explored techniques for making ordinary people more aware, self-determined and happy, which is something pertinent to this discussion, and he had very interesting observations about psychopathic behavior and its effect on other people.

Actually it might seem very appropriate, right here, to turn the tables on the Supremacist Jews and ask: If Jewish leaders and intellectuals dare to define “The Jewish Problem” as an irrational hate or dislike of Jews, or as a peculiar mental illness in Gentiles, would it not be much more to the point for Gentile critics of Jews to define classical Jewish behavior, as they see it, in this way, that is: As mental illness.

How could they better characterize behavior such as committing treason again and again, lying and cheating routinely, leading on in crimes and depraving and destructive activities, creating communism and other corrupt social philosophies with hundreds of millions of victims, spying and warring on friendly host-societies, setting peoples of the world against each other for major wars, stealing a country and killing off its inhabitants, and all the time believing themselves to be a people, chosen by no less than God above all others with a divine right to do all these things.

But I will get back to that in discussing the third model, and take the other two models first:

The first model – Conspiracy to Enslave

The first model – the Jewish conspiracy to rule and enslave the world, has been a classic model, based as it is in the ancient text of the Torah. But it was brought to the forefront and reinforced in more modern times with the enormous growth and spread of Jewish financial power and Jewish Communism in the 19th Century, and the phenomenal popularity of the text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion from around 1900. It gained strength from disclosures of various secret societies, such as the Illuminati, with their secret papers, in the late 18th Century, and the revolutions of the 19th Century, where, as the baptized Jew and British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said: “at the front of every one of these revolutionary movements for the destruction of authority, nationhood and religion, you find a Jew”. Douglas Reed writes in The Controversy of Zion, that it seems, that the World Revolution movement had been taken over by Jews from around the middle of the 19th Century. Communism, which was to conquer the world, was created by the Jew Marx, and the Revolutionary, destructive, movement broke out into the open, dramatically, with the so-called Russian Revolution, totally dominated by Jews.

But also international high finance, had by this time become a mainly Jewish affair, as personified in the 19th Century by the Rothschild family, who were known or believed by many well-informed people to be the real powers behind the rulers of Europe.

The secrecy of the revolutionary movements and of international finance, plus the knowledge, that very few – Jewish – persons ruled the revolutionary masses through terror in Russia – and also commanded the vast sums of money in international finance, made the conclusion obvious, that there was such a conspiracy in the world.

Later research led to knowledge of such groups as The Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission and other power groups, with heavy Jewish participation. They also involved a non-Jewish elite, but this did not diminish the impression of finance and revolution working together behind the scenes, in Jewish hands.

With the advent of the mass media in the 20th Century, their control of public opinion, and above all, the total dominance by Jews in Hollywood, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and now also the internet, it is no wonder, that the image of a conspiracy by super-rich Jews has remained with us.

A conspiracy – that is: a design of (secret) co-operation for a wrongful act between two or more persons – is not invalidated by the fact, that many know or suspect one to exist. It is not even invalidated by the fact that many, unwittingly or knowingly, take part in its plans, such as the creation of a world government, and admit so openly and maybe even believe it to be their own idea, and no secret at all. The power behind, wielding the money and the brainwashing machine, does not inform us of their machinations. And they always need the useful idiots to assist.

For instance, it is beyond discussion that communism in Russia was Jewish in its origin, and dominated by Jews to the extent, that it had to be made punishable by death by the Jewish revolutionary masters to mention and react negatively on it. It is also clear that the Jewish masters used a lot of secrecy, such as changing names and using cloudy class-war language and semi-secret Yiddish and Hebrew, apart from more conventional secrecy in plans and financing etc. And the mainly Jewish leaders of the early days of the revolution were quite few, compared to the masses, they terrorized, thus being a conspiracy by definition.

Finally it is clear that later expansion of communism in Russia and around the world had to comprise many non-Jews as well, but this happened without the Jewish grip being loosened much in the Soviet and Eastern European countries, where they long dominated in the Secret Police terrorizing apparatus, the leadership of the Gulags and the propaganda apparatus, and where they finally came out on the top of the Russian society in our own time, when communism had to be abandoned, stealing most of Russia, as so-called oligarchs, through international financial cooperation and various criminal schemes. Also, it must be remembered, that today, in the confusing sea of news and entertainment, most people are overwhelmed by conflicting and superfluous information anyway, and unable to piece conclusions together, much less make it into a well-founded whole, that gives them reason to speak and act. A conspiracy does not need to be totally secret under such conditions.

I got into this line of thinking from being in the Scientology movement in the late sixties and through the 70’es. The movement was heavily attacked from the beginning, whether deserved or not, particularly from the psychiatrists, and besides studying the self-betterment techniques of the group over many years, I worked for a while in the intelligence section of the movement’s so called “Guardians Office”, where we got trained to find out about and counter the attackers of the movement. The American section of the office later got into legal trouble because its operatives broke into government offices in the now scandalized “Operation Snow White”, but when I was in the European section, we didn’t do such things, and my colleagues and I didn’t get into such trouble.

From this line of training I learned about the secret world behind politics and also such conspiracy literature as Gary Allen’s None Dare Call it Conspiracy, and we researched, in particular, the wing of the conspiracy that dealt with psychological control of rulers and pervasive control of masses through community psychiatry. We found, that it was leading figures in the international World Federation of Mental Health, with its national chapters, which was at the center of the attacks on the movement.

Political psychiatrist were part of somebody’s conspiracy to rule, we also found, and their plan was to be able to know all about the world’s leaders and influence them in their capacity of mental health experts. This was said in their “Mental Health”-literature, sometimes bluntly, sometimes in convoluted language. Programs to quash political psychiatry were initiated by us and carried out.

The founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, once – in 1967 – stated in a taped speech, Ron’s Journal ‘67, that the world was – for all practical purposes – governed by a handful of super-rich people. The political psychiatrists, mostly Marxist in their worldview, were just the section of the conspiracy, which quite naturally dealt with Scientology. Scientology was a perceived threat to them for more than financial reasons, it was thought.

We were not focused on Jews at all then, I don’t think they were ever mentioned, and I certainly did not suspect then, that they had much to do with the problem of world unrest. I remember now, however, that there were many Jewish-sounding names in the political psychiatry organizations, such as “The National Association for Mental Health” and others. Checking up on it today I find, that Jewish names dominate the entire fields of psychiatry and psychology. I can see today also, that quite a few Jewish names were in prominent positions in even the Scientology organization already then. (Geoffrey C. Filbert in 1982 mentions many Jews on staff in Scientology in his two-volume book Excalibur Revisited, vol. II, 468)

It apparently got much worse with Scientology since, and the organization has today been taken over by a powerful, small group, and I think it is today probably in Jewish hands, as so many other activities, particularly in the field of psychology, psychiatry, New Age mental techniques and the like. The sudden tax-exempt status at the exact time they attacked Willis Carto in Institute for Historical review, and the way they compared themselves with Jews, when Germany attacked Scientology there, indicate this.

Anyway, this is how I was introduced to conspiracy as a subject. Reading many, many books later on Jews and the powers behind the scenes, convinced me beyond doubt, that at least the driving force, the cohesiveness, the money and the brainwashing media of the world are so overwhelmingly Jewish that it would be as futile to call a world conspiracy other than Jewish, as it would be calling the “Russian Revolution” anything but “The Jewish Revolution in Russia”.

And everybody actually believes in conspiracy of one kind or another. We all know there was a conspiracy to kill Caesar once, the term exists today in ordinary American law: conspiracy to do this and that, and even Hillary Clinton said a conservative or republican conspiracy existed against her husband during the Monica Lewinsky sex-scandal in The White House.

We are just not allowed, by the all-powerful media – to believe one exists in politics today, especially not one to dominate the world, and most particularly not a conspiracy run by Jews. Although papers exist, such as the old Illuminati papers, later voluminous Communist plans, and quite recent UN and other papers for World Government.

All these plans certainly are not democratic, and not meant to be presented to the people of the world before implementation.

And the oldest plan for world domination is a racist one in The Torah of the Jews. It is played down as such a plan – by the leaders of Jewry, and – again, by the all-powerful mass media of the world, being in Jewish hands, but the plan is still on, and very much followed. The secrecy and the lying that surround the Torah, makes it, and even more, its follow-up, The Talmud, a blueprint for a racist conspiracy, directed against particularly the Gentile, Western world.

Political Zionism is just the latest logical implementation of the racist, supremacist philosophy contained in them. Let me quote a passage from an early book by Douglas Reed, Far and Wide, from 1951, which in an interesting way describes the real aim of Zionism while quoting the central personality of Zionism during the 50 years, that preceded the formation of Israel as a Zionist state, Chaim Weizmann, and his book, Trial and Error. Reed writes :

“ ‘Of those ‘first rank statesmen’ who in 1917 prepared the first triumph of Political Zionism Lord Robert Cecil (Assistant Secretary for Foreign Affairs) is exceptionally important because he alone (Dr. Weizmann says), ‘saw in it its true perspective as an integral part of world stabilization. To him the re-establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine and the organization of the world in a great federation were complementary features of the next step in the management of human affairs.’
I do not know, but doubt, if Lord Robert Cecil ever explained the matter to his own people like that, but in these words a much bigger nigger pops out of the woodpile. In them the ‘National Home’ no longer appears as an all-satisfying end in itself, as it was first presented to be; or even as the basis of a future Zionist State, which it was denied to be. The words contain the true shape of the whole ambition, as I believe it to be, for they speak of world stabilization, of a world federation, and of managing mankind. If this future world federation is to surmount nations, why had it to begin with the creation of a new nation, the Zionist one, unless the ‘management of human affairs’ is to be assumed by that one?”

But what use is it really to say or establish, that a Jewish power-elite rules us through a conspiracy? As it is so difficult for most people to grasp such a situation, and as the mass media have succeeded very well in making ridiculous the concept of conspiracies, as something only lunatics and the extreme Right, the “neo-nazi’s”, believe in, the likeliness of people waking up by these revelations alone is not too promising.

Therefore the usefulness of model no.1 is rather small for other than intellectual satisfaction and historical education, as I see it now. That does not invalidate its correctness, in my view. And it is very necessary for a newcomers understanding of the whole situation in the world.

Douglas Reed and his later book The Controversy of Zion sheds a lot of light on this model. And I think he has explained best of all the dual Jewish-led conspiracy of pressure from above by money, propaganda and perversion of governments and from below from excited mobs, be they red revolutionary or as today, large minorities of third world colored immigrants ready to make trouble from inside Western countries. It is not a conspiracy consisting of only a few Jewish “elders”, and also not one that includes all, or most Jews.

The Second model- Survival of the Fittest

The most important proponent for the Darwinistic explanation of the Jewish Problem, as a more or less secret war waged by Jews, through millennia, against primarily the white race today, is, of course, professor Kevin MacDonald with his trilogy A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and Its Discontents and The Culture of Critique.

His theory of how evolution has worked on group behavior over time to make up a distinct Jewish group survival mechanism that involves the various known Jewish characteristics, is for many people the last word on The Jewish Problem, because it comes closest to the exact demands of natural science, and because it has been so solidly documented.

I have, however, for the purpose of my summary, chosen Dr. David Duke as the person to represent this theory, because he has popularized the theory through his book Jewish Supremacism, and has taken it as the basic understanding of what Gentiles are up against, in his many speeches on the problem (ex.: Aug. 22, 2005):

Judaism and the Jewish people are developed as a tribal survival mechanism, an evolutionary mechanism, or a response to being constantly a minority, developed over three thousand years, and it has to a degree become inborn in the individual Jews. To an extent their behavior is genetically governed, and they are also to be regarded as a race, because they have to a large extent remained separated – by their own choice, because of their racists religion – from the populations among which they dwelled for a very, very long period of time, thus developing specific Jewish genes, some of which influence behavior. Just as importantly this evolutionary mechanism has worked on the Jewish group as a whole and created a particular cohesiveness and internal brotherhood, and at the same time a marked enmity and hatred against other populations, particularly the Christians of the West.

David Duke quotes (radio lecture August 4, 2005) a central text from Kevin MacDonald on this, it says:

“The present, judaized cultural Imperium in the West is maintained by a pervasive thought control, propagated by the mass media, and extending to self-censorship by academics, politicians, and others, well aware of the dire personal and professional consequences of crossing the boundaries of acceptable thought and speech about Jews and Jewish issues. It is maintained by zealously promulgated, self-serving, and essentially false theories of the nature and causes of anti-Semitism”

The Jews are the only people, which have managed to stay apart from other peoples of the world in this way, through the centuries, and genetic research in recent years shows, that say Moroccan Jews and European Jews are many times more like each other genetically, than they are like their respective host peoples of Morocco and Europe.

Because they have for so many centuries seen the Christians and then the white race as their main competitors, they are actually fighting a centuries old war against us, that they are not frank and open about, and which very, very few whites are aware of.

Their most effective weapon, of course, is to have taken control of our societies, through a group effort, which has for a long period, now, dominated mass media, government institutions, international finance, and also some sciences, movements and institutions which supported their efforts and gave them intellectual weight. These movements were/are the communist revolutionary movement and later socialistic movements, the Frankfurt School, the psychoanalytic movement, Boasian Anthropology, the civil rights movement, or anti-racism movements, the opening of borders in the West, the New York intellectuals, and latest: the neo-conservative movement, that has led America into wars to “stamp out evil” and a ”crusade” to establish Jewish controlled democracy in the Middle East and across the world.

David Duke, and also Ivor Benson, have termed the racist, extremist Jewish leaders who are the overwhelming majority of the powers of the Jewish society: “Jewish Supremacists”, borrowing from the mainly media creation of “White Supremacists”. These Jewish Supremacists are simply behind all the main destructive developments and occurrences in the world, directly, as lawmakers, government top officials, lobby-organizations in America and many Western countries or financiers of destructive and subversive programs, which for instance inundate Western countries with colored immigrants, or more generally as media-tycoons in the propaganda that opens up for these many destructive actions.

They do this out of a deep hatred of the white race, which since childhood has been ingrained in them along with a duty to love and help their own race-brethren. David Duke adds, that it seems they are much more driven by hate of others than love of themselves. On top of this well-researched and plausible theory of Jews and Judaism, David Duke holds a very easily defended position on the solution of The Jewish Problem:

We, the European part of mankind are simply allowed to do all we can to preserve our heritage and freedom, our very existence, which are under attack from the Jewish Supremacists. And we have got to wake up our people to the very real danger of being wiped off the face of the earth as a people, in a few generations. If Jews are allowed to subvert and try to destroy us, we are allowed to resist this and take back our societies. So: No blaming of anyone, really, just “the survival of the fittest”.

Third Model – mental illness and mental shortcomings

This leads me to the third model.

When we see, how anti-Semitism has long been classified by leading Jews as a mental illness amongst Gentiles, and when we see how psychiatrists in the old Jewish-created monster, called the Soviet Union, classified opposition to the communist state as mental illness, and put opponents in mental hospitals, we are warned, that it is dangerous to leave the entire field of mental science or knowledge to Jews. They then take the power to define who is mentally ill, and what constitutes mental health and mental illness. Jews are already heavily over-represented in both the usual fields of psychology and psychiatry, as they are in the alternative Human Potential movements.

As I said in the beginning it might seem very appropriate to ask: If Jewish leaders and intellectuals define “The Jewish Problem” as an irrational hate or dislike of Jews, or as a peculiar mental illness in Gentiles, would it not be much more to the point for Gentiles to define classical Jewish behavior in this way, that is: As mental illness. How could we better characterize such behavior as committing treason again and again, lying and cheating routinely, leading on in crimes and depraving and destructive activities, creating communism and other corrupt social philosophies with hundreds of millions of victims, spying and warring on friendly host-societies, setting peoples of the world against each other for major wars, stealing a country and killing off its inhabitants, and all the time believing themselves to be a people, chosen by no less than God above all others with a divine right to do all these things. And the list is even far from complete!

This is one model of “The Jewish Problem” which has not been given so much attention in the last century, when the conspiracy model took over and now Kevin MacDonald’s model of group strategy, whereas it was the original model since before Christ. For the Greeks and Romans commented on the many viles of Jews and Christ says to the Jews (John 8:42-48) “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do….” Many other passages in The new Testament are no less anti-Semitic. And the famous church father Martin Luther, later in history, was quite bold about Jewish wickedness in his writings. His book “The Jews and Their Lies” is without mercy and it was his last, well contemplated view of the matter, as the book was written shortly before he died. Many famous persons have since bluntly stated that Jews are evil or crazy in some way.

Both Douglas Reed and David Duke touch on this but mainly leave it alone. For obvious reasons. It is so difficult and also dangerous to be specific about in the present Jewish-controlled public climate. It is the moral side of the question, the spiritual and mental dimension. For are we not dealing with evil? Are we not also dealing with some sort of mental illness, inborn or culturally based, when Jews have caused so many heavy problems in our societies for so long?

And are the techniques of domination on the part of the Jewish masters, in propaganda, finance, governments and the subversion of law and order, cultures and morals, not a wicked thing, whether Jews are acting on genetic impulses or following the tenets of their religion? Are not a lot of lesser Jews – and also a significant amount of Gentiles, high and low – to be blamed for knowing very well about the Jewish-led policies of evil destruction, without doing anything about it, or even protesting it? Isn’t it depraved, sick or evil to be living among a host people in the so-called Diaspora, pretending to be loyal members of the society, while carrying out subversive actions, being part of – or just condoning and knowing about such actions. If we are to talk about human rights, are we not also in need of some human duties to behave in a minimally civilized and honest way with other people?

Are we not at the same time dealing with a mental dullness and materialistic superficiality in the majority of Gentiles, when they have let themselves be usurped – even over centuries, and now even let themselves become slowly exterminated, through low birthrates, vicious anti-white propaganda and laws and heavy non-white immigration.

I saw, with my background in Scientology and other self-development techniques, for a long time, the main battleground of this war to be in the spiritual and mental arena. I saw, how the Western peoples let themselves be overrun by globalization and third world hordes, and succumbing to this without much more than a whimper.

I saw how they resembled the extinct bird of Mauritius, the Dodo bird, and therefore named my first website after it. It is still on the net at I saw how the techniques of Hollywood in creating a different reality for the world resembled magic techniques, even black magic, and I saw how, progressively, magic persons, events and plots took hold in the movies and cartoons – often meant for small kids growing up on this stuff. I remember reading Neal Gabler’s book An Empire of Their Own about the Jewish owned Hollywood, and how it has gradually replaced the American reality by its own synthetic reality, which they are now working at making the worlds common reality. With a lot of success. Jewish leaders boast that given enough MTV even radical Moslem youths can be turned into docile pop-addicts like western youths. This current of magic creation of a reality goes way back in Jewish life, and is therefore not a coincidence, in my opinion. The basic definition of magic is to create by will a reality (thing or occurrence) in the physical universe.

Also I saw, how Jews had for long dominated the Sciences or attempts at sciences of the mind, they were very much over-represented among psychiatrists, psychologists, mental therapists, and I could add: in the New Age wave. Also in the systems I got better acquainted with, Scientology and Landmark Education, two very well known phenomena in the USA. And of course, the psychoanalysis movement stemming from Freud was Jewish, as demonstrated by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

Also Ivor Benson mentions in his book The Zionist Factor, p.95, how the covert antagonism of “a tightly knit unassimilable (Jewish) minority” has been practiced in innumerable forms, but always for destroying the Gentile societies they lived in, never described better than in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion no matter the controversy about their authorship. He says, also referring to the book The Myth of Psychotherapy by the (Jewish) psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas Szasz:

“One of the major factors in this process of culture distortion, without which the rest would have been impossible, has been the falsification of all those academic disciplines which have to do with the study of man, like anthropology, psychology, ethnology, human genetics, political science and history….The malevolent corruption of scientific doctrine is nowhere better exemplified than in psychology, that science which per definition concerns itself with the operations of the psyche, and it is precisely where most damage can be done that the anti-Semitic smear, or the fear of it, has exerted a major influence in our century…”

The crux of the matter is, that just as the Boas school of anthropology, the Freudian school of psychoanalysis, are “not a matter of science at all, but of Jewishness” so are the many other mainstream schools in disciplines that deal with the study of man, and here comes also the dogma of the six million Jews gassed by the Germans, which is not at all history, but Jewishness.

Complaints about Jews have often been their lying, falsity, hypocrisy: Whether these are understood as camouflage technique like those of the chameleon or they amount to a conspiracy of some sort, they are undeniably traits which bring others in deep trouble continually. As these others have usually been the host peoples among whom Jews lived through the centuries, it can be said, that hospitality, or at least tolerance, often to an astounding degree, was rewarded, routinely, by enmity treason and usurpation through centuries.

Hypocrisy and double standards to the point of advocating a racially segregated society – Israel – for oneself, and a multi-cultural society for the rest of humanity, is of course hypocrisy on a very large scale. Hypocrisy to the point of advocating equality and human rights for all peoples and races, and racism and a status of being chosen by God for oneself, is of course hypocrisy on a very large scale too. Hypocrisy to the point of advocating internationalism and international treaties for peace, binding every country in the world, while letting one country – one’s own – get away with any criminal breach of international law, is of course hypocrisy on an enormous scale.

And of course the trouble is not only the hypocrisy, which would be difficult enough to live with all by itself. It is hypocrisy about a persisting goal to destroy the host nation and its people, using all conceivable underhanded methods.

David Duke has said in a radio-show how Jewish supremacist and deceitful behavior comes just as naturally as when the jaybird appropriates another birds nest. No conspiracy-theory needed. And Dr. (William L.) Pierce stated in a radio-show, “Great Masters of the Lie” how it was the Jewish ability to lie convincingly, that had persuaded him, that the ability lay in the genes

But, in any case, when hypocrisy – falsity – lies – and lies about persistent aims to harm and destroy those, in who’s homeland you came as a guest, when such lies are perpetuated for centuries – even millennia – in a particular people, whether this behavior then becomes ingrown in the genes of the people or whether it is merely regenerated by cultural and religious tradition and command, it seems in any case certain, that it leaves this people in a very unhealthy mental state.

If a person is habitually involved in Orwellian double-think and double-speak, he ends up in a less than sane state. He must at the same time hold two opposite realities in place for himself: That what he says is true, just because he is actually saying it and wants to be right/or because he is right per definition, being of a superior race, while at the same time knowing it to be a factual falsity, an untruth, a lie, a ruse, a trick for the stupid Goyim, he then fits the description of a split personality, or a schizophrenic.

If a group of people behaves this way over many centuries, the end result cannot be other than an accumulation of these less than sane behaviors. Both George Orwell and Ivor Benson, (p. 115-117) comment on the way double-think welds together reality and unreality in the experienced practitioner.

The Jews seem to be able to somehow live with the strains of this better than Gentiles. An example was Whittaker Chambers, witness in the famous – or infamous – Alger Hiss Soviet espionage case in 1948-1950). He had been broken by living in two different mental worlds and now had to cleanse himself of the (Soviet) influences which had, he now found, been almost completely Semitic (p. 116)

Several times during his radio-lectures, David Dukes says about some specific Jewish scheme “it’s simply insane”, as when the Jewish neo-cons create a war for Israel in Iraq and are now building up to a new, much larger war, against Iran. Or as when they want to sell a major American oil company to China in their frenzy to further their beloved globalization agenda, with no genuine thought for America.

There is probably no better way to characterize leading Jewish supremacists who are behind or support such schemes, which are truly insane. Not mentally sane. It is even more obviously insane when a war against Iran could very possibly involve nuclear weapons, and possibly mean a new world war, and this time a nuclear one. To reign in a nuclear desert, which would be the vision for these neo-cons, could only make sense if they were extraterrestrials, having themselves no need for non-polluted air, water, food and environment. Otherwise they will finally have no-one and nothing to ruler over, and will even die themselves. This utopia is insane.

But that is as nonsensical as the authoritative version of the Jewish Utopia, as it is described in the Torah and Talmud. The Jewish Utopia ( see The Jewish Utopia by Michael Higger) is of a materialist, cloudy nature. It comes down to a simple story of solely the so-called “righteous” surviving on the day of judgment, when the Jewish Messiah comes. The righteous are those Jews who have piously followed all the Jewish laws and regulations, including the murderous ones, and the righteous non-Jews are simply those who submit themselves to the Jews and understand that they are the chosen masters of the earth. The Jewish king will then rule the world from Jerusalem, where gold and diamonds will adorn all the streets. All wealth will be directed toward Jerusalem.

This is the entire vision. This is what comes after all has been destroyed in bloody war and revolution.

That is all.

A Comparison of the three models

It seems to me that both the conspiracy model and the group survival strategy model are of great value, that they are supplementary, and that it is mainly a question of tactic, which one is preferred.

I think Douglas Reed in The Controversy of Zion has proven the existence of a conspiracy very well. Obviously it goes on at the top of society, in government, international finance and media, mainly. And obviously it is more apt to call it such at the beginning of some activity than later, when it has become a fashion.

A conspiracy can still exist today at top levels and through the built-in secrecy in Judaism and the Jewish community, stretch down to lower levels in this, without giving these Jews more blame for the activities than maybe saying and doing nothing about mischief, when they ought to speak out. And maybe getting some advantages from belonging to the group. This is what Gentile masses are also guilty of.

Many occurrences, both through history and in recent years, point to conspiratorial activity. The way “Holocaust-denial” has gradually been criminalized and routinely been grouped with child-pornography, the way the media have kept Jewish pre-knowledge of 911 out of public scrutiny. The way the media as one voice demonize the present Iranian president, using the exact same lie, that he plans to wipe out Israel. Or the way Solszhenitsyn has been made a non-person a la Douglas Reed after writing his two-volume work about the Jews in Russia, a work which has not even been translated into English, although he is a Nobel Prize winner.

If one chooses the group strategy model, it makes many more Jews involved than if one limits the implicated persons as in a conspiracy, at the same time you might say, Jews in a way become “innocent” of the various damages, “they” inflict, because they just can’t help being that way, maybe even having the urges in the genes, as a cat must catch mice. And it may come closer to the truth. The way so many fields have been taken over by Jews and the large number of Jews involved, for such a very long period of time, speaks against the secrecy of a conspiracy. And the behavior makes good sense as a group survival mechanism of a minority, if you leave the moral aspects alone, as you must in this explanation. The thoroughness of the trilogy written by Kevin MacDonald is without peer in any study of this kind, and the many proofs of what has happened is, in my view, the main strength of this work.

Both of these models, however, only offer hope of a solution by letting people know what has happened to them, so they can cleanse themselves of the Jewish domination and subversion. This ought to be done non-violently, as both the moral way and the only feasible way, say both Douglas Reed and David Duke, but some, such as Hamas in Palestine, do not have the patience, and advocate violence.

Some modern phenomena, i.e. phenomena of after The Second World War, make a reappraisal of the “Mental Illness Model” interesting. And in this light I will compare it with the other two.

1) The first is the advent of a research line – or a so-called “Science of Evil” – called “Ponerology” after Greek “Poneros”= evil (or “lousy”), and “logia”= study,
2) The second is the surge of superstitious, supernatural and magic movies and cartoons from Hollywood.
3) The third is the advent of many mental self-improvement techniques and the New Age wave of an alternative psychology.
4) The fourth is the incredible growth in mass media, and the concentration of international big and anonymous money, in Jewish hands and supporting Jewish agendas. But happily, also the advent of the internet, as an exploding and – yet – fairly free medium.
5) Finally the invasion of colored peoples into white countries, led by Jewish propaganda and subversive laws, forcibly and dramatically changing social realities in these countries and leading to the disappearance of European mankind in the long run


This is a very interesting new subject. It is, in other words “The Study of Evil” (or “Lousiness”) or “Science of Evil” or “Science of psycho-pathology”. Five researchers, Raine, Hare, Cleckley, Lobaczewski and Stout, have over the last 15 years attempted to describe what constitutes the conduct, that religion has called “evil”, or what is commonly called the psychopath or sociopath. They have isolated about 30 traits as psychopathic and if an individual has say “4 of these in a very pronounced form, there are grounds for concern”– then watch out (see “The Barnes Review” jan/feb. 2007). On the other hand it does not make one psychopathic to have a few of them and momentarily. The key traits are: he (usually male) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes insanely fearless.

L. Ron Hubbard (who has himself often been accused off being one of these psychopaths, which however doesn’t make his observations invalid) included the trait, that such persons did not respond to any betterment-techniques. Some would say that these traits correspond very exactly to an “anti-Semitic” stereotypic view off the Jewish behavior through history – and today. The researchers however have found that these psychopaths or sociopaths exist in the same proportions of all mankind, all ethnicities, they are seldom in mental institutions, and the researchers find that they constitute around 4 per cent of the general society, and a much higher percentage of the top strata of society, because these types seek power, and apparently often get it.

Here is where the Jewishness comes in. As Jews are so overwhelmingly represented at the top of Western societies, it is quite natural, if many of the most powerful and dangerous psychopaths are also Jewish, and no wonder, if Western societies and people are being victimized by psychopathic Jewish types seconded by just as psychopathic Gentile bootlickers.

Douglas Reed mentions in chapter 1 “The Start of the Affair”, in the Epilogue and in the Chapter “The Destructive Mission” of his The Controversy of Zion how being a “good Jew” following all the rules of Judaism, automatically means a destructive Jew, and he says that during the writing of the book he felt “evil” existing tangibly in the events he described, he thought, the Jewish people would eventually turn their back on Judaism and Zionism and the racism, he said had begun with the creation of the racist Law of the Jews, 500 years BC. He thought the truth about what had happened would wake up people, Jews and non-Jews, and therefore he wrote the book about the conspiracy.

A learned friend of mine has explained to me, that Jewish scriptures possibly date only back to the time of Alexander the Great and that anything earlier is made up, just as most of the stories are. The learned Jewish high priests were envious of the flowering Hellenistic culture, so overwhelmingly around them, and so they took many greek writings, places, gods and especially values and turned them upside down in sheer envy and hatred, in their own writings, the Torah, to gain control of their tribe. In this way, for instance, the greek love of beauty and knowledge was turned upside down – and into the tale of Adam and Eve, who were expelled from Paradise, for eating of the forbidden fruit of wisdom/knowledge. This may be the root of the misery, if so – no wonder then, if 2.500 years of envy, hatred, deception and self-deception have left a trace on Jews as a people.

David Duke and Kevin MacDonald also describe what has happened to the world via the Jewish influence, and David Duke makes an immense effort to wake up Western people to the danger, that they are being ethnically cleansed by the Jewish Supremacists of today. He does not accuse Jews of evilness, but says whites are entitled to defend themselves against these Jewish attempts. He says, that he thinks “One can defend his own heritage without destroying that of others” and leaves it at that. This is a very defendable position and should therefore be advanced.

But understanding the element of psychopathy is very important, too, for our defense. Maybe techniques can be found to help these psychopaths – Ron Hubbard actually advanced a whole section of techniques dealing with this, and as I remember, with quite astounding effects on the not too hard-core types. In the meantime the more normal part of mankind does well to understand and to see such behavior for what it is.


Because the age-old vision of the Jewish Utopia was so poor and nonsensical, and the Messiah never came, there was always, in Jewish life, a strong spiritual/magic undercurrent, which compensated for the lack of messianic rescue and common sense in the message. It existed as a conspiratorial Jewish mystique among learned rabbis and it broke out at intervals among the lower Jewish classes as sheer superstition and belief in witchcraft, and has so much been a part of Jewish life, that, in my opinion, it much better characterizes Jewish ideology than anything else: magic and superhuman abilities (see Paul Johnson A History of the Jews). – it is now having a dangerous and, in my view, very influential comeback in many of the movies and cartoons from Hollywood.

It is also having a revival in the growing interest in Jewish Cabbala, and I think that magic power is a reality for many Jews who lead or undertake mental training in the New Age movement. Possibly also for many others. But extremist Jews really believe they are superhuman. (see “”Chabad Lubavich” movement homepage or quotes from these by David Duke). Whether magic abilities do exist I do not know, but I will not rule it out, just as the soul of man is not ruled out, to my knowledge, no matter how many mental traits seem to have genetic foundations. I think it is very much a question of definition, for I do believe that a power of will exists, which certainly has results in the physical universe.

And great discoveries in this field are probably awaiting us. We must not leave the field to Jews because it seems spooky. The way we have seen Jewish efforts change the realities of our society, utilizing mainly the weapon of mass media, is such a phenomenon. Communism was actually a piece of black magic. It was rape of reality. They also rely on the weapon of mass media propaganda to keep up the Jewish victimhood and religious status of the Six Million gassed. And generations growing up in a sea of magic cartoons and movies, where the line between reality and unreality are blurred, will be easy victims for any new creation or reality, the Jewish Supremacist may like.

Human Potential Movement

We do need help, techniques or systems to get people to wake up from their suicidal, materialistic slumber, and it is in this field of the mind, that the battle for the minds and hearts is waged. This is the basic understanding of Douglas Reed, Ivor Benson, David Duke and the leaders of National Alliance and similar groups, and they are all frustrated because it is so difficult to wake up white people.

We should therefore accept, that a development in mental techniques has taken place and that it can be used both to better brainwash people and to help wake up people and make them happier and more effective. I have tried a few systems myself, Scientology, thoroughly, Landmark Education and Knowledgism, less thoroughly, plus others, and I am sure many other self-development routes will work for people. Let us not get lost in nonsense, but let us also not forsake workable help because of contempt of the whole subject. Let us realize that the study of man has been dominated by Jews, and let us get involved in the building off a genuine Science of man ourselves.

I am not involved in any self-development organization today. And the Scientology-organization not since 1978. But the field has always interested me, and I see it as the nucleus of a Science of man that we need. My point is, that many of the techniques, which L. Ron Hubbard presented to the public to be used for self-betterment, have actually helped thousands of people, I have personally felt their workability, and some of the effects are to make people wake up and take responsibility for their lives, to have more power in their lives.

Hubbard took from others, and since then many took from Hubbard. He has been called “the Henry Ford of the occult”, for bringing – possibly – occult techniques to ordinary people. He has been a milestone in the Human Potential Movement, and therefore I let him personify the “Mental Model” and the “Human Potential Movement” in spite of the many controversies surrounding him and his organization.

Whether some of these techniques have a long tradition in philosophy or in the occult, or whether they can be simply explained in terms of well-known, natural capacities in humans, we should use them actively for our cause of surviving as white Europeans and for ridding the world of the Jewish yoke. In spite of the fact, that the psychoanalytic movement was dominated by Freud and other Jews, and in spite of the fact that we cannot prove whether we have a spiritual soul or not, we need and can profit from such techniques, and we would leave the field to the Jews at our peril.

Mass media

The power of mass media has grown exponentially since Douglas Reed wrote about it (1953-56). The power to create a totally synthetic reality by these media, especially in the young and the coming generations, is great. Jews can fairly easily create a reality, that Six million Jews were gassed, or anything else they might want to create, irrespective of truth, historical and physical reality, when they practically own and direct all mass media outlets, and slowly they are lowering both the moral standards and the ability to separate reality from unreality, and if “unreality” then rules, it will be “reality” and not a pleasant reality for the white people, as we know now.

We must counter this development the best we can by exposing the brainwashing-techniques, that are employed, and again, I think, we should encourage others to do some sort of “wake-up” courses, and take them ourselves too. Maybe it would be an idea to start exchanging experiences at forums like “Stormfront”. The internet is the miracle on our side, our main weapon, But, gradually, as a boomerang the mass-medias’s power can be turned around against the brainwashers.

Everything goes so much faster today than 50 years ago, but worldwide eruptions of the effects of The Jewish Problem also bring many more groups against the Jewish world conquest. Just see how Muslims are being galvanized for resistance and cleansing of Jewish dominance. The main object is to steer this fight free of violence and make it a “velvet revolution” against the Jewish yoke.

The censorship laws, the “human rights” and racism-accusations can be effectively used against Jewish Supremacists, and have been used successfully so in Russia and Ukraine. The themes of “evil” and “mental illness”, which are so widely used against Gentiles by Jewish Supremacists, can easily be turned around against themselves. It must be done in a peaceful and civilized way. But as Douglas Reed explains in The Controversy of Zion – the chapter titled “The Destructive Mission”, a “good Jew” is bound to be a destructive member of the Western World. This seems to also be the understanding of the explosively growing internet-site “ZioPedia”, run by Andrew Winkler and his idea of starting a “Jew Anonymous” movement, like “Alcohol Anonymous” – to wean Jews away from Jewishness. We must help them in this while protecting ourselves from their schemes all along.

Colored invasion

Finally, the colored invasion into Western countries is the most dangerous weapon the Jews have yet used, and must be used to wake up Westerners to the danger, before it is too late. This invasion did not exist at the time Douglas Reed wrote his book, but it is very well documented by Kevin MacDonald and David Duke, how the Jews have led this invasion into the West, and for what purpose.

It is supposed to be the final coup de grace against the white race, while all the other destructive programs are also put in “overdrive”: multi-cultural propaganda, consolidating ownership of all values in the West by mergers, take-overs, even mortgaging of private homes far above the chimney. And by urging on still more wars, now maybe one against Iran, while those neo-con insane individuals have a totally submissive American president who does their bidding for yet a couple of years.

Yes, we are in a hurry. Yes, there certainly is a conspiracy. Yes, Judaism and the Jewish people certainly has served well as a survival strategy for many years. But this must come to a – peaceful – end, for the effects on the rest of mankind have been truly psychopathic.

Knud Eriksen

May 27, 2007


Three Models of the Jewish Problem – A Comparison

See also:
Revilo Oliver: ‘Conspiracy Or Instinct?